Publisher: HarperTeen
Publish Date: August 24, 2010
Hardcover, 240 pages
Young Adult
My Review:
Why I read this: I requested this one from the publisher because the blurb sounded very intriguing.
How is the novel driven: Character, this is about Kyle. There are events, but it is really about Kyle and who he is and what drives the ending to happen.
My thoughts: What an interesting concept in a novel. I think Mr. Benoit has really made an interesting novel from a male perspective which I feel is an area that is grossly overlooked. Not only is it from a male point-of-view, I feel it can be read by male and female alike and understood and appreciated.
It starts with an event and then it back tracks to how Kyle got to that point in his life. It’s an amazing look at a teenager’s life and how little decisions can end up affecting their life and making bigger ones without really meaning to, or did they mean to?
When reading the book really flies. I pretty much read it in one sitting. It does not have chapters, but there are breaks where you can stop if you are stop at the end of a chapter type of reader. But I dare you to actually want to stop. I know I didn’t and I was lucky enough to be able to enjoy this in it’s entirety on a Saturday afternoon.
Kyle is a fascinating character. He never really makes excuses for his behavior or decisions, just states them as facts and what if he hadn’t done a certain thing, would things have changed.
The ending is absolutely stunning and like another blogger I read, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it. I will still be thinking about this one for weeks – it’s just that kind of book and that type of ending.
I enjoyed Mr. Benoit’s writing and will read any further forays of his in young adult writing and I’m interested in his adult writing too.
My Rating: 4.5/5.0
About the Book:
This wasn't the way it was supposed to go.
You're just a typical fifteen-year-old sophomore, an average guy named Kyle Chase. This can't be happening to you. But then, how do you explain all the blood? How do you explain how you got here in the first place?
There had to have been signs, had to have been some clues it was coming. Did you miss them, or ignore them? Maybe if you can figure out where it all went wrong, you can still make it right. Or is it already too late? Think fast, Kyle. Time's running out. How did this happen?
You is the riveting story of fifteen-year-old Kyle and the small choices he does and doesn't make that lead to his own destruction.
In his stunning young-adult debut, Charles Benoit mixes riveting tension with an insightful—and unsettling—portrait of an ordinary teen in a tale that is taut, powerful, and shattering.
About the Author:
Charles Benoit is a former high school teacher and the Edgar Award–nominated author of three adult mystery novels. This is his first book for young-adult readers. He lives in Rochester, New York.
His Website
FTC Information: I received this book from the publisher for my honest review. I have Amazon links on my review pages but I do not make any money from these because of NC laws. I put them solely for people to check out the books on a retail site.