The Sunday Salon which is hosted here, go and visit and see other participants.
General Week thoughts: A good week - it's my oldest son's last week of summer vacation. He spent most of the week with his Gran and Papa and even spent a night at a friends. We started reading Secrets of a Christmas Box by Steve Hornby together this week and I look forward to really getting into it next week when he is at home every night. The little one wants to get involved too, but we'll see about that - he never seems to have much attention span so I reserve reading Don't Let The Pigeon . . . or If you Give a Pig a Pancake books for him and the chapter books with the oldest. DH has been helping out around the house and with supper so that left me a few nights to relax in my chair and read - that was great. We did swimming this week and that was fun too.
Time spent reading - I spent the first part of the week reading running books and then magazines (in an effort to get some of them read and out of the house). Then the end of the week hit and my fiction reading came back into play. I raced through Club Dead and finished up Vision in White and Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict.
What I read:
What I'm reading now:
After by Amy Efaw
True Colors by Kristen Hannah (audiobook)
Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer
The Alibi by Terri Woods
Up Next:
Legacy by Cayla Kluver - I'm looking forward to this one (it's a review book)
Nothing Can Keep Us Together (Gossip Girl) by Cecily Von Ziegesar - I need my Gossip Girl fix
Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
Everyone have a great week!
General Week thoughts: A good week - it's my oldest son's last week of summer vacation. He spent most of the week with his Gran and Papa and even spent a night at a friends. We started reading Secrets of a Christmas Box by Steve Hornby together this week and I look forward to really getting into it next week when he is at home every night. The little one wants to get involved too, but we'll see about that - he never seems to have much attention span so I reserve reading Don't Let The Pigeon . . . or If you Give a Pig a Pancake books for him and the chapter books with the oldest. DH has been helping out around the house and with supper so that left me a few nights to relax in my chair and read - that was great. We did swimming this week and that was fun too.
Time spent reading - I spent the first part of the week reading running books and then magazines (in an effort to get some of them read and out of the house). Then the end of the week hit and my fiction reading came back into play. I raced through Club Dead and finished up Vision in White and Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict.
What I read:
- Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend - Steve Prefontaine by Tom Jordan
- Reunion in Death by J.D. Robb (audiobook)
- Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
- Vision in White by Nora Roberts
- Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict by Laura Viera Rigler
- New-to-me authors: Tom Jordan, Laura Viera Rigler
- Non-fiction books read this week: 1
- Magazines read this week: 3
- Number of review books read: 0 (I needed a break)
- Number of TBR pile books read: 4
- Number of library books read: 0
- Number of books from Bookfree read: 1
- Library books checked out: 3
- Reviews posted: 3
- My library will reopen in it's new location this coming week - which makes me very happy - I already have 7 reserves in and I can't wait to get my hands on them.
What I'm reading now:
After by Amy Efaw
True Colors by Kristen Hannah (audiobook)
Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer
The Alibi by Terri Woods
Up Next:
Legacy by Cayla Kluver - I'm looking forward to this one (it's a review book)
Nothing Can Keep Us Together (Gossip Girl) by Cecily Von Ziegesar - I need my Gossip Girl fix
Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
Everyone have a great week!