Publisher: Merit Press
Pub Date: Dec. 18, 2012
Hardcover, 256 pages
ISBN: 9781440552700
My Review:
If you are looking for a non-stop thrill ride in the YA category, then this is just the book for you. I love YA, but I love my suspense/thrillers in the adult category. I never have found too many YA thrillers, so reading this one really had me enthralled.
Told from the point of view of both Sera and Ariel, two girls who were best friends until 9 months and 4 days ago, makes the book very interesting and adds to the suspense. From chapter-to-chapter you know what each girl is doing in an attempt to save her and her classmates from the people who have taken them all hostage. There is some belief that you have to suspend, but when don't you in a thriller? I really didn't have a problem with any aspect of the book, in fact I just couldn't put it down. The action is center-stage, but there is also character growth in both characters and very interesting secondary characters as well.
I read The Girl In the Wall in just a few hours. It was hard to put down, had me fully invested in the plot and had me really liking Sera and growing to like Ariel. The fast action combined with the need to find out just what happened to Sera and Ariel's friendship will have you turning pages as well.
My rating: 5.0/5.0
About the Book:
Ariel's birthday weekend looks to be the event of the season, with a private concert by rock star Hudson Winters on the grounds of her family's east coast estate, and all of Ariel's elite prep school friends in attendance. The only person who's dreading the party is Sera, Ariel's former best friend, whose father is forcing her to go. Sera has been the school pariah since she betrayed Ariel, and she now avoids Ariel and their former friends. Thrown together, Ariel and Sera can agree on one thing: this could be one very long night.
They have no idea just how right they are.
Only moments after the concert begins and the lights go down, thugs open fire on parents and schoolmates alike, in a plot against Ariel's father that quickly spins out of control. As the entire party is taken hostage, the girls are forced apart. Ariel escapes into the hidden tunnels in the family mansion, where she and Sera played as children. Only Sera, who forges an unlikely alliance with Hudson Winters, knows where her friend could be. As the industrial terrorist plot unravels and the death toll climbs, Ariel and Sera must recall the sisterhood that once sustained them as they try to save themselves and each other on the longest night of their lives.
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***I received this book from Amazon Vine for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***