My rating: 4.0/5.0
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publish Date: September 9, 2009
Pages: 224
My Review:
Fun read - this is an adventure/treasure hunt type book that involves two orphaned children who are being cared for by an aunt that wants nothing to do with them. She hires an au pair to watch after the brother and sister. When their grandmother, Grace Cahill, dies she leaves a will and everyone involved can either take 1 million dollars or go on the hunt for all of the grandmother's fortune. Several in the family take up the offer of the hunt as do Dan and Amy in the company of their au pair.
Pitted against varied members of a very interesting family (they come from all over the world), Dan and Amy are off with the first clue. Offers come in of help from other members but who can Dan and Amy trust and will they be able to find the next clue?
It's fast-paced and exciting. I loved watching Dan and Amy make sense of what they learned and dash around trying to beat the other family members to the next clue.
Fun book for the middle grades - my 8-year-old will be reading this soon and I am sure he will enjoy it. I have the next book ready to go and can't wait to see where the clues take Dan and Amy next.
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