Today Jennifer Laurens, author of Season of Eden and lots of other great YA books is here for an interview. So sit back, read and enjoy and then try one of her books if you haven't. I don't think you will be disappointed!
1. What is your
favorite thing about being a writer?
Getting to write the stories living
in my head. Second would be meeting wonderful friends through the books
( readers )
2. Do you have a writing schedule and if so what is it like?
2. Do you have a writing schedule and if so what is it like?
I write 8 hours a day most days, starting at 9 and ending
around 6 pm.
3. Where did the idea for Season of Eden come from?
3. Where did the idea for Season of Eden come from?
Ideas come from
aspects of my life. I grew up in Palos Verdes, California and I adore
the area. I was an only child. I had a crush on one of my teachers in
high school ( though he wasn't a young hottie like Mr. Christian!!) and
the thought came to me to explore a story where two people are attracted
to each other even though there are boundaries set up by law and
morality, that aren't supposed to be crossed. Their ages make the
attraction believable and understandable, even with the boundaries.
Also, I'm particular to having male heroes who have discipline. I liked
that Mr. Christian stepped up and stopped things from getting out of
4. What is your favorite spot to read in?
4. What is your favorite spot to read in?
5. Tell us what Season of Eden is about in 140 characters or less.
5. Tell us what Season of Eden is about in 140 characters or less.
A teenage
girl becomes mesmerized by her young music teacher.
Thanks for joining us today Jennifer. Stay tuned for my review on June 11.