Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publish Date: March 26, 2013
Trade Paperback, 377 pages
ISBN: 9780373210664
Soul Screamers #7
My Review:
***No spoilers will be included in this review that wouldn't be on the back of the book***
As everyone knows this is the final book in the series and I am sad to see it come to an end because I have truly loved the Soul Screamers series since I started reading it. The characters, especially Kaylee have really struck a chord with me and I was so eager to read this book, yet so sad to say goodbye to the characters, yet a series usually has to come to an end and I guess it was time.
So without giving spoilers, I'll just say that With All My Soul does not disappoint as the final book. Lots to tie up and it all gets tied up without it happening too conveniently. Ms. Vincent does everything masterfully in this book. The characters continue to develop and change in ways you expect and ways you don't. The plot continued to throw curve balls my way. It was excitement and an emotional roller coaster throughout. I even cried (not telling why, but if you read it you will know when I did). This book was amazing! Looking back through the series I'm not sure which book was my favorite, but this one may be it. It's really hard to do that in the last book too but Ms. Vincent did a wonderful job with this final chapter of the Soul Screamers.
Thank you Ms. Vincent for introducing me to this world, it's been a wonderful ride, Kaylee, Tod, Nash, Emma, Sabine, Sophie and the others will stay with me for awhile. I will think about With All My Soul for awhile as well and to me that is the mark of an excellent book. So thank you Ms. Vincent!
My rating: 5.0/5.0
About the Book:
What does it mean when your school is voted the most dangerous in America? It's time to kick some hellion butt...
After not really surviving her junior year (does "undead" count as survival?), Kaylee Cavanaugh has vowed to take back her school from the hellions causing all the trouble. She's going to find a way to turn the incarnations of Avarice, Envy and Vanity against one another in order to protect her friends and finish this war, once and forever.
But then she meets Wrath and understands that she's closer to the edge than she's ever been. And when one more person close to her is taken, Kaylee realizes she can't save everyone she loves without risking everything she has...
Soul Screamers Series
My Soul to Lose (prequel novella)
My Soul to Take
My Soul to Save
My Soul to Keep
Reaper (Book IV prequel)
My Soul to Steal
If I Die
Never to Sleep (novella)
Before I Wake
With All My Soul
About the Author:
***I received this book from the Amazon Vine program for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***