Publisher: Revell
Publish Date: Nov. 1, 2012
Softcover, 416 pages
ISBN: 9780800719340
My Review:
Placebo is a great introduction to a new series featuring Jevin Banks and his cohorts Charlene, Xavier and Fionna. It also offers something different from Stephen James other series and most other suspense novels I've read, Jevin is an escape artist and illusionist. It definitely makes things interesting and lends a new feel to the suspense genre which usually revolves around PIs, FBI agents, police officers and the like.
The first part of the novel moves a little slow, but with good reason. In this first part Mr. James is taking the time to introduce the reader to the characters and give the reader a good feel for the characters and the situation he is about to put them in. While I state it's slow, I don't mean it's boring, I just mean it's not the breakneck pace that will come later. I found it to be interesting from the beginning because I enjoy getting to know characters, getting inside their heads and understanding their motivations. The reader definitely gets this in Placebo.
As the book continues the pace begins to ramp up and gets to the point that the only reason I put the book down is because I fell asleep and the book fell on my face (true story, I take a sleeping pill, so don't think the book bored me). I picked the book right back up the following morning and didn't set it down until I finished it.
I enjoyed Placebo, I really enjoyed the characters the most. The plot was a little confusing at times, but it was exciting enough I could get past it. My only other complaint was it was a bit rushed at the end, probably victim to the development in the beginning which I wouldn't have wanted to lose. But all-in-all I found Placebo to be an enjoyable book. I like Jevin and his friends and can't wait to read the next book in this series. Characters make books for me and these characters and their jobs are different, fun and make the book exciting and leave me wanting more of them. Placebo is a very enjoyable suspense read, Steven James has done it again and has a dedicated reader for life with me.
My Rating: 4.0/5.0
About the Book:
While covertly investigating a controversial neurological research program, expose filmmaker Jevin Banks is drawn into a far-reaching conspiracy involving one of the world's largest pharmaceutical firms. After giving up his career as an escape artist and illusionist in the wake of his wife and sons' tragic death, Jevin is seeking not only answers about the questionable mind-to-mind communication program, but also answers to why his family suffered as they did.
Rooted in ground-breaking science and inspired by actual research, "Placebo" explores the far reaches of science, consciousness, and faith. Readers will love this taut, intelligent, and emotionally gripping new thriller from master storyteller Steven James.
***I received this book from the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***