Today instead of a typical book review, I thought I would talk to some of the characters and ask them what they thought about the main characters Chloe and Chase so you could get a feel for the romance and story of The Look of Love. No spoilers involved, it's a romance so you know there will be a happy ending, and everything else is pretty much at the beginning of the book. So come meet some characters and find out about Chloe and Chase and get hooked on The Look of Love by Bella Andre.
Ellen, you met Chloe in an interesting way, how did you end up feeling about her?
Oh you could say it was interesting, but you'll have to read to get all the details, I'm a little too embarrassed to go into those right now. At first I was disappointed. I mean I wanted my chance with Chase, but being around Chloe the happiness is kind of contagious. She just draws you in even when she's feeling possessive of Chase. So I like her and there are no hard feelings, I may have seen him first, but she captured his heart so what do you do? Hey there are five more brothers, oh I mean four more since one is my boss. My man is out there somewhere I know.
Marcus, what did you think of Chloe when you first met her?
I thought she was beautiful, stunning, and was a little jealous that Chase met her first. I then thought my brother was the sly devil all of us Sullivans' are and she would be the flavor of the day/week and be gone soon. But she did have this damsel in distress quality about her . . . but Chase doesn't go for that.
Jeremy did you think Chloe would end up with Chase?
Umm, is Marcus around or any of the other brothers? No, good, okay, being around so much studly man-ness just makes me stutter and be so nervous. Well that first day Chase had my prepare a picnic basket and while this isn't an out-of-they-way request from Chase, I mean he loves the ladies, why can't he play for my team, um, sorry. But back to what I was saying, it was the way he asked me and his intentions, even that first day, I could tell she was different to him. He had already kind of slacked of his man-ho activities if you know what I mean, he's getting older I guess, but she just seemed to stop him in his tracks. I could see the way he looked at her and it was real. And Chloe was so sweet. I really wanted her to like him, he needs a good woman since he didn't want a good man and I thought Chloe was the best I have seen around him, so yes I thought they would end up together.
Jackie and Amanda, what did you think of Chloe and Chase?
Amanda: Well I've worked with Chase and for an older man, he is hot, but he's too old for me. I saw the way he looked at Chloe when I ran into her when I threw my tantrum. I really liked Chloe then. She didn't talk down to me or act like I was doing anything wrong, she just helped me work through my feelings like a sister would. So I liked her and what she did for my dress was just amazing.
Jackie: Chloe was sweet and the looks Chase threw her during the day definitely had sparks to them. Chloe was like a Mom to me during the shoot, what don't look at me like that, I know there's not that much age difference, but she's just different, she's not like us, and I mean that in a good way. I think she will be good for Chase. But there will be a lot of disappointed models if he's off the market.
Chase, what did you think of Chloe?
She was a stunner, was my first instinct, but it was something more than that too. I'm not one of those guys that rescues women but for some reason I felt like I should help her. My Mom raised me to be good to women, and I have been {he gave me a wink and then gave Chloe a hand squeeze}. I will admit to being a love them and leave them type, but somehow when I met Chloe that all flew out the window from the first look. It baffled me. Every protective instinct came through around her, I think I would have beat my brother up if he came near her, oh wait, nevermind, that's nothing new. But seriously, I felt like she was mine and I wanted to make her mine.
Insert a whole bunch of awwws here :)
Chloe, what did you think of Chase?
Honestly I didn't want a man and I thought he was too good to be true. I mean look at him. Men like him are usually stuck on himself and then I find out there are 5 more of him and one's a movie star. Oww (that was Chase elbowing Chloe). Just joking sweetie, but all of them are amazing but none of them are as amazing as Chase. My first impression, this was a man I could fall in love with, but I can't do that. That was my first thought, okay my first thought was actually, this man could be an axe murderer and that would be just my luck, but my next thought after figuring out he wasn't an axe murderer was about falling in love.
Insert kissing noises as these two can't keep their hands off each other.
So if you're intrigued by learning this little bit about the characters involved and the love story (and trust me there is a lot more to it, you know there is a happy ending, but you don't know the in-between). You will want to read The Look of Love. It was my first book by Bella Andre and the first book in The Sullivan Family series which does not have to be read in order, but I'm a little obsessive and had to start at the beginning and I'm honestly wondering if anyone can top Chase. It will take a lot, but I'm willing to find out. If you like your romance honest, hot and great, then try out The Look of Love and you'll fall in love with the Sullivan Family and Chase and Chloe.
My Rating: 5.0/5.0

With THE LOOK OF LOVE, bestselling author Bella Andre introduces you the Sullivan family. In this fun and emotional contemporary romance series, when a Sullivan bad boy falls...he falls hard. And it's forever.
Chloe Peterson is having a bad night. A really bad night. The large bruise on her cheek can attest to that. And when her car skids off the side of a wet country road straight into a ditch, she’s convinced even the gorgeous guy who rescues her in the middle of the rain storm must be too good to be true. Or is he?
As a successful photographer who frequently travels around the world, Chase Sullivan has his pick of beautiful women, and whenever he’s home in San Francisco, one of his seven siblings is usually up for causing a little fun trouble. Chase thinks his life is great just as it is—until the night he finds Chloe and her totaled car on the side of the road in Napa Valley. Not only has he never met anyone so lovely, both inside and out, but he quickly realizes she has much bigger problems than her damaged car. Soon, he is willing to move mountains to love—and protect—her, but will she let him?
Chloe vows never to make the mistake of trusting a man again. Only, with every loving look Chase gives her—and every sinfully sweet caress—as the attraction between them sparks and sizzles, she can’t help but wonder if she’s met the only exception. And although Chase didn’t realize his life was going to change forever in an instant, amazingly, he isn’t the least bit interested in fighting that change. Instead, he’s gearing up for a different fight altogether…for Chloe’s heart.
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About The Sullivans: In this sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love...usually where he or she least expects it. Get the eBooks via Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, the iBookStore, or the Kobo Store. Audiobooks are also available for the first five in the series (with more coming soon). Plus, keep an eye out for paperback editions coming from Harlequin Romance starting Summer 2013.

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***I received this book through Novel Publicity for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***