Knock. Just one solid sound.
Recai sat up too quickly and fell back against his mattress
gasping as Rebekah stuck her head into his small room, her face creased with
worry and fear.
“Cover yourself and stay silent,” she whispered before
closing the door and rushing back into the living room to retrieve her burqa
and open the door. Recai heard the movement of the heavy fabric she wore on top
of her house dress as she moved across the room to greet their visitor. He
wondered if she had retrieved her father’s gun which he’d overheard Hasad say
was under the couch in the living room.
Before hiding beneath the thin sheet that covered him, he
reached down and pulled the rug from the floor and threw it across his legs. He
covered his head and melted against the wall with the pillow on top of his
upper body. Feeling foolish, Recai laid there, wishing he had his ID, his
phone, anything to help bribe his way out of this situation if it was indeed
the RTK at the door.
Perhaps it’s just
a neighbor, he thought. A neighbor come to ask after Rebekah’s
father’s health or to borrow some salt. His attempt at rationalizing the
unexpected visit did not quell his fears. The RTK made a habit of performing
home inspections, especially if they suspected a woman alone. It wasn’t a safe
time for anyone under the jurisdiction of Mayor Yilmaz.

Later, Pavarti went to work in the finance industry as a
freelance accountant for several international law firms. She now operates her own accounting firm in
the Washington DC area, where she lives with her husband,
two daughters and two terrible dogs.
When not preparing taxes, she is hard at work as the Director of
Publicity at Novel Publicity and penning her next novel.

Recai Osman: Muslim, philosopher, billionaire and Superhero?
Controversial and daring, Shadow on the Wall details the transformation of Recai Osman from complicated man to Superhero. Forced to witness the cruelty of the Morality Police in his home city of Elih, Turkey, Recai is called upon by the power of the desert to be the vehicle of change. Does he have the strength to answer Allah's call or will his dark past and self doubt stand in his way?
Pavarti's Blog Tour celebrating the release of Shadow will last the entire month of May. Check out her Blog Tour Page for a list of all the stops, including giveaways, interviews, reviews, guest posts and other exciting events!