My rating: 4.25/5.0
I received this book for review through FIRST Wild Card Tours.
I will admit I have not fully finished this book, but it is only because I want to savor it and truly learn from it. I have read Debbie Macomber's fiction books and loved them and was excited to receive this book for review. It is a beautiful work that shows how the little things we do in life can really affect others. Sometimes it isn't even in the way we expect it to. I enjoyed her stories throughout the book highlighting such events. I also enjoyed the fact that they were events that as an ordinary person I can also do. I just have to learn to listen and see what is around me and see where I can help out.
A beautiful book for this Christmas season. I will continue to read Debbie Macomber and hope she has more books to offer like this one. I see reading it like a devotional - one chapter a day and absorb all the information into your heart. It's wonderful and heart-warming along with thougth-provoking.
About the Book:
What if you, personally, could make the world a better place...by tomorrow?
Debbie Macomber knows the secret to doing exactly that! In a world that seems too often stingy and grudging, she has witnessed how one simple act of generosity can yield unforeseen miracles.
You are about to discover, through true stories, what happens when we commit intentional acts of generosity. Lives are changed in ways we never envisioned. Come with Debbie late one evening through the checkout line at the grocery store. Visit a midwestern train station. Discover the link between a submarine, a few bread crumbs, and some minnows. Visit ancient Galilee as a young boy volunteers his fishes and loaves to Jesus only to see his meager gift multiplied many times over to feed five thousand. Listen in on a touching phone call with an elderly widow. You will stand amazed at what God accomplishes when we make ourselves available through simple acts of generosity.
This blend of true stories and motivating messages will delight and surprise you as you discover how giving the gifts of time, encouragement, hope, laughter, prayer, hospitality, service, and even forgiveness can have lasting, life-changing impact, not only on the recipient of such gifts but on the giver as well.
Debbie Macomber, through the power of story, invites us to live with open hands, offering who we are and what we have to God, to use in the lives of others. When we do so, lives--including our own--are changed in ways we couldn't have imagined. All it takes is one simple act.For more information about this tour go here.
I apologize for not being able to post the whole FIRST Wild Card Tour post - but I am out-of-town and preparing for surgery tomorrow and was not able to post.