Today I welcome Lily from Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown. She's going to play the Word Association Game with me today, I'll say something and she'll say the first thing that comes to mind.
Lake Superior: mystery
guy: high school
mermaid: solid muscle
school: rumors
swimming: naked
love: home
legends: Grandpa’s stories
refreshment: lemonade stands
hot: Calder
music: harmony
car: none
stars: Orion
beach: sand between my toes
animal: unpredictable
favorite thing: Crap, just one? Well . . . the first thing that comes to mind is that song from The Sound of Music (you know...that one song about raindrops on roses?), but maybe Tennyson’s poem The Lady of Shalott? Or maybe rain on the roof? No . . . I think my most favorite thing is just waking up and knowing my family is safe and warm and still sleeping in their beds.
Thanks Lily for joining us today. I know I can't wait to read Lies Beneath. Read on below for more about this very intriguing book.
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown
Calder White lives in the cold, clear waters of Lake Superior, the only brother in a family of murderous mermaids. To survive, Calder and his sisters prey on humans, killing them to absorb their energy. But this summer the underwater clan targets Jason Hancock out of pure revenge. They blame Hancock for their mother's death and have been waiting a long time for him to return to his family's homestead on the lake. Hancock has a fear of water, so to lure him in, Calder sets out to seduce Hancock's daughter, Lily. Easy enough—especially as Calder has lots of practice using his irresistable good looks and charm on ususpecting girls. Only this time Calder screws everything up: he falls for Lily—just as Lily starts to suspect that there's more to the monsters-in-the-lake legends than she ever imagined. And just as his sisters are losing patience with him
Thanks Lily for joining us today. I know I can't wait to read Lies Beneath. Read on below for more about this very intriguing book.
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown