Publisher: Revell
Pub Date: Aug. 1, 2012
Paperback, 352 pages
ISBN: 9780800734589
My rating: 5.0/5.0
My Review:
Irene Hannon has scored another winner in the Guardians of Justice series with Lethal Legacy. But don't let the fact that this book is number three in this series scare you away from reading it if you haven't read any of the other books. It makes a great stand-alone with mentions of characters and their happily ever afters from the previous books, but no real spoilers to keep you from going back and reading them. Lethal Legacy can easily stand on it's own, but it is a part of a great romantic suspense series so I suggest if you read this one, you go back and read the others as well!
As usual Ms. Hannon works wonders with her characters. I felt connections to Cole who I met in an earlier book but really got to know in this book and to Kelly who is mourning the loss of her father and dead set on finding who killed him. It is her doggedness that leads her to meet Cole and their meeting seems serendipitous. First Cole is a great investigator and if he can find something he will and second, he feels an instant attraction for Kelly and she feels one for him. Of course to be a romance a problem more than the suspense element has to work it's way in and in this novel it's the fact that Cole has moved away from God and Kelly is a devout and caring Christian. But I like that Kelly never shoves Cole to the side, she cares enough to want to understand and help him like a real Christian would. I have loved all of the romances in Ms. Hannnon's books, but I think this is one of the best. I felt the romance more in this one, felt it was more of an element even with the suspense playing a starring role.
And the suspense, wow, it's great again. We get a peek at the overall bad guy and eventually the hit man and it's surprising, but even with this knowledge, there are still many surpises in store with the book. I pretty much eagerly awaited the end of my workday on Tuesday and encouraged my husband to work late so I could finish this in one sitting. It's just that good.
The suspense is edge of your seat. The romance is just awe-inspiring. Both work so well together to make this one of Irene Hannon's best books to date and that is saying something. I think I have been reading all of her books since 2010 and have loved each one, but this one really resonated with me as a book I loved. If you enjoy romantic suspense this is an excellent choice for your next book to pick up. It has Christian elements, but they are not overwhelming, and they are very well-done. Ms. Hannon is a master at writing a book that doesn't personify the Christians as perfect people and I like that. So give Lethal Legacy a try, it's a great page-turner with a great side of romance to make it a perfect novel for the lover of romantic suspense!
Available August 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
About the Book:
The police say her father's death was suicide. But Kelly Warren says it was murder--and she has new evidence that she believes proves it. Detective Cole Taylor doesn't put much credence in her claim, and nothing in his case review suggests foul play. But when Kelly ends up in the emergency room with a suspicious life-threatening medical condition, the incident strikes him as more than just coincidence. Digging deeper, he discovers she's linked to a long-ago crime. Is history repeating itself? And who wants Kelly silenced?
With her trademark high-intensity action and taut suspense, Irene Hannon closes out her Guardians of Justice series with a story of old grudges and budding romance that is sure to increase her substantial fan base.
About the Author:
Irene Hannon is the author of more than 35 novels, including the bestselling Heroes of Quantico and Guardians of Justice series. Her books have been honored with two coveted RITA awards from Romance Writers of America, a Carol Award, a HOLT Medallion, a Daphne du Maurier Award and two Reviewers' Choice Awards from RT Book Reviews magazine. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri.
For more information about her and her books, visit her web site at www.irenehannon.com and follow her on Twitter at @IreneHannon.
***I received this book from the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***