Join Dean DeLuke, author of the thriller novel,

My Review
Why I read this book: It sounded interesting and I don't know much about horse racing or the business of raising horses so I thought that would make it more interesting.
How is the novel driven?: It's a suspense novel - there is good character development, but the action and plot drive this one.
My thoughts: Dean DeLuke took writing what you know to heart when he wrote Shedrow. Read his bio on his website and then read the book. Dr. Anthony Gianni is a lot like Dean DeLuke sounds in his bio, with differences obviously, but knowing the character well helped Dean DeLuke to write a winner of a novel with Shedrow.
First up the suspense. The suspense and plot of Shedrow is tightly written and the twist in the plot, I did not see coming. I was left guessing right up until all was revealed. I did feel a little lost at times, like a little too much was chopped out of the book, but then everything would make sense and I would understand and continue to enjoy the book. The choppiness in a few parts only took a little away from my reading pleasure of this book.
Next the characters. There are definitely an interesting array of characters in the book. First Dr. Anthony Gianni, who is a plastic surgeon, volunteers his skills in third world countries, and owns stakes in various horses which he takes very seriously. I liked Dr. Gianni - he comes off accessible, not a high and mighty rich doctor. There are also various characters in the horse racing world, my favorite being Dr. Gianni's friend and the horse vet. He's a great character as well. Then add in Dr. Gianni's wife, three strange characters at a dump, a hermit, and mobsters to round it all out. There are all types of characters in this book and sometimes it's hard to figure out who the real bad guys are - that is what makes it fun.
The horse-racing aspect. Really interesting, I found myself enthralled with this world, how they work with the horses and decide which ones to race and how to race them and the thrill of being a part of a winning horse and the pain of the injuries that occur. Dr. Gianni was deeply immersed in the horse-racing world and what was great about him was he really cared about the horses. They weren't just money-makers to him, they were more and I liked that. I would definitely read more books set in the horse-racing world books now that I have gotten a taste.
Overall I found Shedrow to be a quick thrilling read. I read it easily over two nights and could have read it all in one night if I hadn't gotten really sleepy (Lunesta, not the book). It's a great thriller and I hope Dean DeLuke has more in store for Dr. Gianni in the future.
My Rating: 4.25/5
About Dean DeLuke
Dr. Dean DeLuke is a graduate of St. Michael’s College, Columbia University (DMD) and Union Graduate College (MBA). He completed residency training at Long Island Jewish Medical Center and also participated in a fellowship in maxillofacial surgery at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, England.
He has a long history of involvement with thoroughbred horses—from farm hand on the Assunta Louis Farm in the 1970s to partner with Dogwood Stable at present.
His latest book is Shedrow, a medical thriller with a unique twist.
You can visit his website at www.shedrow1.com or connect with him at Facebook at www.facebook.com/deandeluke.
About Shedrow
Dr. Anthony Gianni, a prominent Manhattan surgeon, becomes involved in a racing partnership as a diversion from a thriving surgical practice and an ailing marriage. The excitement builds when the partnership acquires Chiefly Endeavor, a two-year-old colt with the breeding, the spirit, and enough early racing success to qualify for the Kentucky Derby.
When a new partner with an unsavory background appears and a breeder’s nightmare becomes real, Dr. Gianni and a dedicated veterinarian must confront organized crime and solve a complex mystery that threatens to destroy both of their careers, and possibly a great deal more.
Read the Excerpt!
Gianni was seated at a metal table, his hands bound behind his back. At one end of the table stood Sal Catroni. Unlike the other man, he wore no disguise. His longish hair was slicked back neatly, white at the sides, darker on top. His brow was furrowed in a scowl, amplifying the deep frown lines between his black-looking eyes. Catroni spoke first. “You know who I am?” he said.
Gianni shook his head.
“I’m Sal Catroni, of the Catroni family, and this here is Hector. Hector was a medic in the marines. He’s here to help you with some medical treatment.”
Hector stood at least six-two, all of it solid muscle. He wore a tight white dress shirt, its silk sleeves rolled neatly to the middle of his massive forearms. A ski mask, open at the forehead, concealed his face, and his closely cropped black hair stood mostly on end. It reminded Gianni of a 1960s style flat-top cut, only not as stiff.
“Hector has some tools for you, Doc,” Catroni said.
Hector opened a clean white linen cloth, the texture of a dishrag but with a starched white appearance. Inside were surgical instruments. Dr. Gianni instantly recognized them—there was a blade handle and several large #10 blades, the kind a surgeon would use to make a long incision. It was not a delicate blade, but one meant to cut hard and fast through a lot of tissue with a single swipe. Next to the blades was a bone cutting forceps, which Gianni knew to be a Rongeurs forceps. Then there was a large pile of neatly folded gauze pads.
“Recognize those tools?” Catroni asked.
Gianni nodded
.“Well, Hector here is prepared to do a little surgery today.”
Gianni shook his head.
“I’m Sal Catroni, of the Catroni family, and this here is Hector. Hector was a medic in the marines. He’s here to help you with some medical treatment.”
Hector stood at least six-two, all of it solid muscle. He wore a tight white dress shirt, its silk sleeves rolled neatly to the middle of his massive forearms. A ski mask, open at the forehead, concealed his face, and his closely cropped black hair stood mostly on end. It reminded Gianni of a 1960s style flat-top cut, only not as stiff.
“Hector has some tools for you, Doc,” Catroni said.
Hector opened a clean white linen cloth, the texture of a dishrag but with a starched white appearance. Inside were surgical instruments. Dr. Gianni instantly recognized them—there was a blade handle and several large #10 blades, the kind a surgeon would use to make a long incision. It was not a delicate blade, but one meant to cut hard and fast through a lot of tissue with a single swipe. Next to the blades was a bone cutting forceps, which Gianni knew to be a Rongeurs forceps. Then there was a large pile of neatly folded gauze pads.
“Recognize those tools?” Catroni asked.
Gianni nodded
.“Well, Hector here is prepared to do a little surgery today.”
Watch the Book Trailer!

Shedrow Tour Schedule

Tuesday, September 7
Book reviewed at Gelati’s Scoop
Wednesday, September 8
Book spotlighted at Virginia Beach Publishing Examiner
Thursday, September 9
Interviewed at The Writer’s Life
Friday, September 10
Interviewed at Pump Up Your Book
Interviewed at Let’s Talk Virtual Book Tours
Monday, September 13
Interviewed on A Book and a Chat Radio Show
Tuesday, September 14
Guest blogging at The Book Boost
Wednesday, September 15
Guest blogging at Gelati’s Scoop
Thursday, September 16
Interviewed at Working Writers
Friday, September 17
Interviewed at Beyond the Books
Monday, September 20
Guest blogging at Literarily Speaking
Tuesday, September 21
Interviewed at Blogcritics
Thursday, September 23
Book trailer spotlighted at Down Under Views
Monday, September 27
Guest blogging at The Writer’s Life
Tuesday, September 28
Book reviewed at Pump Up Your Book
Wednesday, September 29
Book reviewed at Bags, Books & Bon Jovi
Thursday, September 30
Book reviewed at Marta’s Meanderings
Monday, October 4
Guest blogging at Literarily Speaking
Tuesday, October 5
Interviewed at Examiner
Wednesday, October 6
Interviewed at As the Pages Turn
Thursday, October 7
Guest blogging at As the Pages Turn
Friday, October 8
Book reviewed at Arms of a Sister
Monday, October 11
Interviewed at The Hot Author Report
Tuesday, October 12
Guest blogging at Thoughts in Progress
Wednesday, October 13
Book reviewed at Thoughts in Progress
Thursday, October 14
Book reviewed at Reading at the Beach
Friday, October 15
Book reviewed at Books R Us
Monday, October 18
Guest blogging at Literarily Speaking
Tuesday, October 19
Book reviewed at Books and Movies Reviews
Wednesday, October 20
Guest blogging at The Book Connection
Thursday, October 21
Interviewed at My Reading Room
Friday, October 22
Book reviewed at My Reading Room
Monday, October 25
Interviewed at A Moment With Mystee
Tuesday, October 26
Book reviewed at A Moment With Mystee
Wednesday, October 27
Interviewed at Broowaha
Thursday, October 28
Book reviewed at Sherri’s Jubilee
Friday, October 29
Interviewed at Review From Here