Sunday, December 12, 2010

2011 Challenge: Edgar Awards Reading Challenge

iubookgirl is hosting the Edgar Awards Reading Challenge on her blog.  This is her first challenge and I think it's a great one.  It's pretty simple, choose your level and read books from the list of Edgar Award winning books you can find at this site (just a hint, choose the Search the Edgars database in the top graphic and you can search and get all the winners in any category).

You can get more specifics on her website and sign up as well.

I'm going to choose the Sergeant level which is 4-6 books.  I think I can do this.  Mystery is one of my favorite genres and just a glance through the award winners and I saw several books I really wanted to read.

I'll list my books read here and link up the reviews.  I look forward to following along with the others involved in the challenge as well.
