The Oracle of Dating by Allison van Diepen
My rating: 8.5/10.0
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publish Date: May 1, 2010
Paperback, 192 pages
Genre: Young Adult
My Review:
An adorable read. It took me back to the best moments of high school, made me feel the romance and just took me out of life for awhile.
Kayla is a typical teenage girl, in fact her and her group reminds me more of my crowd in high school - the ones in the middle, neither popular or unpopular, friends with everyone. So that made this a winner in the first place. It made it really easy to relate with her and her friends. I think all girls will find it easy no matter what their popularity is.
There are all types in the book.
The focus however, is on Kayla. I enjoyed getting to know Kayla as a character. She can come off a little judgmental at times, but you realize she has everyone's best interest at heart. Also as you read more about her you understand more why she is that way. I loved the aspect of the dating oracle. Her website and articles were cute and helpful for the dating scene. I like the way Kayla grows and develops through the book and look forward to where further books in this series will take her (the next is due out in November 2010).
I also enjoyed the character of Jared. He sounds amazing and just perfect for Kayla. I like the way he's described as being handsome to her. You never feel like he's the hottest guy at school, but you know that he's the hottest to Kayla and that tells a lot to me. The romance aspect was great. It's well written and has great tension. You never know if the two will get together or not, but you are cheering for them the whole time.
Overall this is a fun book to spend time with. The plot and characters are well-done and it makes a great young adult read.
Rating Breakdown:
Characterization: 1.5/2.0
Plot: 1.5/2.0
Writing: 1.5/2.0
Attention-holding: 1.0/1.0
Ending: 1.0/1.0
Believable: 1.0/1.0
Rating: 8.5/10.0
About the Book:
No one at Kayla’s school knows she’s the famous Oracle of
Dating—the anonymous queen of dating advice, given through her own Web
site. Kayla doesn’t even have a boyfriend. Two relationship
disasters were enough to make her focus on everyone else’s love life.
But then her advice backfires on her own best friend. And Kayla starts
to seriously obsess about Jared Stewart—the very cute, very mysterious
new guy in school. Suddenly, the teen queen of advice needs her own oracle of dating--and she knows just where to find one...
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I received this book through NetGalley for review purposes.
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