Chasing Brooklyn by Lisa SchroederPublisher: Simon Pulse
Publish Date: January 5, 2010
Hardcover, 432 pages
Young Adult
My Review:
Why I read this: The description sounded great and I had heard wonderful things about Lisa's books so I wanted to give it a try.
How is the novel driven: Character, it's all about the development of Brooklyn and Nico.
My thoughts: I read my first book written in verse a month or two ago and was pleasantly surprised. So this is my second book read in verse and I have learned I really enjoy novels written in verse. I am going to make sure I read
I Heart You, You Haunt Me also by Lisa soon. I will no longer pass on a book written in verse, because I might be missing out on an amazing book.
Chasing Brooklyn is an amazing book. I felt like I was right there with Brooklyn and her grief, and what she was going through as she got to know Nico. For Nico's parts I felt I was with them as well. Their grief was obvious and their ways of dealing with it were different and the truth was neither were actually dealing with it until they got to know each other. The story is haunting and beautiful. I could hardly put it down because I wanted to know what would happen next and whether these two lost souls could finally find happiness. The ghost aspect was interesting as well. It made the story eerie and gave it a little more depth and an explanation how Nico and Brooklyn could get to know each other.
Great characters, real situations, running, ghosts and a wonderful plot make this book a must read for those who love young adult novels.
My Rating: 4.75/5.0
About the Book:
Restless souls and empty hearts
Brooklyn can't sleep. Her boyfriend, Lucca, died only a year ago, and now her friend Gabe has just died of an overdose. Every time she closes her eyes, Gabe's ghost is there waiting for her. She has no idea what he wants or why it isn't Lucca visiting her dreams.
Nico can't stop. He's always running, trying to escape the pain of losing his brother, Lucca. But when Lucca's ghost begins leaving messages, telling Nico to help Brooklyn, emotions come crashing to the surface.
As the nightmares escalate and the messages become relentless, Nico reaches out to Brooklyn. But neither of them can admit that they're being haunted. Until they learn to let each other in, not one soul will be able to rest.
About the Author:
Lisa Schroeder is the author of
I Heart You, You Haunt Me, Far from You, and
Chasing Brooklyn. She lives in Beaverton, Oregon.
Her Website
FTC Information: I received this book through 1 ARC Tours for review. I have Amazon links on my review pages but I do not make any money from these because of NC laws. I put them solely for people to check out the books on a retail site.