Welcome back Diane, to My Reading Room!
Thank you for having me here
today! I’m so excited to be back to talk about Divinely Ruined, the first in the Divine Temptations Trilogy.
When you were a child what is the one thing you really remember wanting
to be?
Ironically enough…an author! Ever
since I was a little girl, I was writing stories and entering contests. I even
remember winning one, and getting to attend a Young Author’s Convention of some
sort, but the details are foggy. All I can remember is sitting there, talking
to authors and thinking—this is what I want to be.
How amazing, I've heard of some authors that it really was like that. I think I wanted to be an astronaut, but writer passed through my brain at one time or another. I sure am glad you wanted to be a writer!
What is your favorite snack food?
Ooooh…Cheetos. I only get them at
parties because if I buy them, I’ll sit and eat the whole bag. They’re
addicting and so, so bad for you.
My second favorite snack would be
peanut butter cups. Especially when they melt a tiny bit and get all ooey-and
soft. Mmm….
Yummy snack foods and I can eat peanut butter cups, now I need to go see if I have any . . .
I remember that you have four children, where is your favorite place
that you have taken them?
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. I love,
love, love going there. We go twice a year with the in-laws—once in May and
once in October. It’s so laid-back, gorgeous, and fun there. I even wrote a
book that takes place there, I love it so much.
Moving on to the book now, what made you choose using an angel who
isn’t so angelic as a main character in Divinely Ruined? (which by the way, I love the concept)
I really wanted to write an angel
book that is like no other angel book. All of the angel books I’ve read tend to
have a common theme—but I wanted to write one that showed the human side of
angels. I also wanted to show what, in my world, angels had to do to earn their
There is strenuous testing, real
life trials, and the hardship of not being tempted by their human emotions.
Rebecca has a particularly hard time with that last one.
Tell us about Divinely
Ruined in 120 characters
or less?
Rebecca doesn't want love or a
family. Yet Tony tempts her to give it all up for a chance at just that--even
if it means losing her wings.
Dish, who was your favorite character?
Oh, I loved Rebecca. She’s just
so much fun with her constant battle between doing what she knows she should
do—and denying that she wants to do the complete opposite of that. And her
temper is extremely amusing, especially when she is cursing out Tony.
What do you have up next for us impatient readers?
I actually just had a new release
come out the other day. It’s also with Entangled Publishing, and it’s called
Try Me (Take a Chance #1). Look at those smoking abs:
Besides that, the next Divine
Temptations Trilogy book will be out soon!
Very, very nice abs Diane, I'll definitely have to Try Him, I mean read Try Me . . .
Thanks Diane!
Thanks so much for inviting me
back! It’s been great visiting again!
life sucked before she became an angel. Crappy apartment, awful jobs, abusive
boyfriends–it was no wonder she jumped at the chance to escape it all and
become a real live angel. The problem is Rebecca’s not very angelic, and she’ll
have to do more to earn her wings than end her love affair with the word f–er,
when she’s assigned to save single father Tony Weis, whose less-than-pure
thoughts wreak hell on a telepathic angel’s nerves. It’s all Rebecca can do to
keep her hands off him…but when she loses her memory injuring herself to save
Tony’s daughter, now it’s Tony’s turn to be her angel and care for her. But
will Tony’s devotion tempt her from her angelic path, even if it means being
human again?
Author info:
Alberts current contracted works with Entangled Publishing are: ON ONE
CONDITION (February 2012, Ever After line), and DIVINELY RUINED
(April 2012, Ever After line). Her current works with Decadent
Publishing are: KILL ME TOMORROW (October 2011, 1NightStand
series), RECLAIMED (December 2011), ABSOLUTION (March 2012,
Honor Guard series), BROKEN (March 2012, 1NightStand
series), and ESCAPE TO ME (TBA, 1NightStand series).
Alberts has always been a dreamer with a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until
2011 that she put her pen where her brain was, and became a published
author. Since receiving her first contract offer, she has yet to stop
writing. Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was
surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in
Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, and a Senegal parrot. In
the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be found hunched over
one knitting project or another.
She is a
multi-published, bestselling author with Entangled Publishing and Decadent
Publishing. She is repped by her fabulous agent, Lauren Hammond of ADA
Management. She has, as of this date, two books with Entangled Publishing, and
five books with Decadent Publishing. Her February release with Entangled
Publishing, ON ONE CONDITION, hit #18 on the Barnes and Noble Bestseller
List. She has a lot of projects currently being shopped around by her fabulous
agent, and her goal is to write so many fantastic books that even a non-romance
book fan will know her name.
Buy links:
Barnes and NobleAmazon
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Want to win Divinely Ruined by Diane Alberts? Well you can, Entangled Pub is giving away one ebook copy to a lucky winner and that winner can be international. All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below and the main entry is a freebie. All others are optional. It runs through June 6th and I'll send out the announcement to the winner by the 8th. Good luck!
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Want to win Divinely Ruined by Diane Alberts? Well you can, Entangled Pub is giving away one ebook copy to a lucky winner and that winner can be international. All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below and the main entry is a freebie. All others are optional. It runs through June 6th and I'll send out the announcement to the winner by the 8th. Good luck!
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