Today I welcome Linda Morris, author of Melting the Millionaire's Heart, a wonderful and hot snowbound romance for these cold nights. So grab your favorite cuppa and sit and learn a little more about Linda, read my review and enter the giveaway to win a copy of Melting the Millionaire's Heart.
What three things do you need in order to write?Thanks so much for having me here today, Crystal. What do I need to write? First off, there's my
laptop. I don't use any special writing software --just good ol' Microsoft Word. I've experimented
with different software and I was overwhelmed by all the bells and whistles, so I like to keep it simple. Music is another thing that helps me. If I'm writing a first draft, it has to be an instrumental. Listening to lyrics get in the way of my writing! If it's a revision, though, I can listen to music with words. (Don't ask me why, I know it's crazy.) I listened to "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?" (the jazz standard by Ella Fitzgerald) to keep me in the holiday mood while I wrote "Melting the Millionaire's Heart" in June.
The third and most critical thing I need to write is child-free time. I love my boy, but an eight-
year-old dying to tell me all about his latest video game is not conducive to writing a sensual
love scene, or anything else, for that matter!
What's your favorite season?
Oh, a toughie. I love so much about fall: the fall leaves, crisp weather, sweaters, the smell of
woodsmoke, trips to the orchard, homemade apple pies, football, but I can never put it out of my
mind that dreaded winter is right around the corner. So I think I'll have to go with spring as my
favorite: Lovely soft rains, buds on winter branches, greening grass, bird song. Besides all that,
I'm always raring to get out to my flower garden by say, March.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Hmmm, I traveled quite a bit when I was younger, but then I married a man who doesn't like to
travel, so that's slowed me down a bit. I'll say England. I'm a lifelong Anglophile who has never
made it there yet, but my husband is a bit of an Anglophile too, so I think I have a reasonable
shot at dragging him there someday!
I love the idea of being snowed in with a man. What made you choose the snowed in romance
Because I love the idea of being snowed in with a man too! I think many women do. We all like
the idea that fate could play a role in true love by stranding us with the right guy. And a snowfall
can be so beautiful: Everything is so quiet and still, you truly feel alone in the world.
What's the first sentence of Melting the Millionaire’s Heart?
"Kayla Johnston tore her gaze from the road just long enough to check the readout on her ringing cell."
How would you describe Melting the Millionaire’s Heart?
It's a sexy, funny, snowed-in romance story, set against a serious backdrop of special needs
kids. Kayla, my heroine, is a teacher at a private special-needs school and winds up snowed in
with Ryan, who, unbeknownst to her, is the millionaire she's supposed to be schmoozing to get
a donation for the school. Ryan is tired of women who want him for his money, and sees being
stranded with one as a nightmare scenario, so he tells a wee fib about his actual identity.
Dish, who’s your favorite character?
Kayla. She's a person with her heart in the right place when it comes to special needs kids, but
she's sick of having to kiss up to people for their money, to get donations for the school. Maybe
she's naïve, but she thinks people ought to help kids because the kids need help, not out of
their own self-interest.
What can we expect next from you?
I have a romantic crime caper called By Hook or By Crook coming out in wide release in April.
(It's already available for Kindle users at Amazon.) I've also just submitted a contemporary
romance, so with any luck, you'll be seeing that one soon too!
Thanks Linda!
My Review:
I found Melting the Millionaire's Heart to be a quick easy and fun read. I liked Kayla and Ryan from the start of the book and I'm a sucker for snowbound romance so Ms. Morris had me from the start. It's short and easy to read, but not short on content. Kayla and Ryan's relationship develops enough for my taste during the book. I was comfortable with how things happen and boy did they heat things up. There is a conflict that has to be resolved that felt real and I like how it resolves in the end.
With great characters that feel like real people you can relate to and romance that makes the Valentine season heat up Melting the Millionaire's Heart is the perfect book to warm you up on these waning cold winter nights. I think it also renews your hope in true love which is what I love about romance books.
My Rating: 4.5/5.0
About the book:

Author: Linda Morris
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 92 pages
Release Date: December 2012
ISBN: 978-1-62266-799-4
Imprint: Ever After
Special-needs teacher Kayla Johnston writes off any shot at New Year’s Eve romance when she’s summoned to a fundraising event for her school at the remote estate of a wealthy would-be-donor. But when a massive snowstorm hits and Kayla careens off the road, the sexy stranger who rescues her brings to mind cozy fireplaces and steamy midnight kisses…among other things.
Reclusive entrepreneur Ryan Langford may be missing his own fundraiser, but being marooned in a cabin with Kayla beats ducking a room full of people after his money any day. Too bad she’s so irritated with the ” gazillionaire” who ruined her New Year’s Eve that he feels like he has to lie about his identity. But when the sparks fly and they fall into each other’s arms, Ryan knows he’s made a big mistake. Will she be able to trust him once the snow melts and the truth comes out?
About the Author:
Linda Morris is a multipublished writer of contemporary and historical romance. She writes stories with heart and heat. Her latest book, By Hook or By Crook, will be coming in spring of 2013 from the Wild Rose Press.
When she’s not writing, working, or mommying, she’s doing yoga, reading, working in her flower garden, or baking delicious things she probably shouldn’t eat. She believes that there are two kinds of people: pie people and cake people, and she is definitely one of the former. Her years of Cubs fandom prove she has a soft spot for a lost cause. A beat-up old copy of Kathleen Woodiwiss’s Ashes in the Wind that her mom bought for her at a garage sale years ago was her gateway drug into the world of romance novels. Her all-time favorite romance writers include Laura Kinsale, Patricia Gaffney, Elizabeth Delancey, and Marjorie Ferrell. Current favorites include Julie Anne Long, Erin McCarthy, and Shannon McKenna.
Thanks to the publicist I have one ebook copy of Melting the Millionaire's Heart to giveaway. Open internationally, ends 2/19.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
***I received this book from Entangled Publishing for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***