Hi Readers!
Thanks for swinging by “My Reading Room” to visit! I’ve been
asked to count down my Top 5 favorite movie moments and the Top 5 songs that
inspired my new release Hard to Handle
and the prequel novella Can’t Let Go! So…let’s
start with the songs since that’s going to be the easy part.
#5) Run by
Snow Patrol –I can imagine Aiden saying these lyrics to Sadie. He’s got a lot of ground to make up for what he did in Can’t Let Go.
“Have heart, my
dear/We're bound to be afraid/Even if it's just for a few days/Making up for
all this mess.”
#4) Vacuum Bag by Stroke 9 - More lyrics that capture Aiden’s feelings
from Hard to Handle. Because no
matter how badly things went, he never wants Sadie to forget he loved her—that
he still loves her.
“Don’t hate
me/don’t regret me/don’t ever forget me. Wherever you go/whatever you do/don’t
say I never loved you.”
#3) There, There by Radiohead – Aiden
and Sadie’s meet-cute in the club? Fate, I say…
“Heaven sent you to me/To me, to me. We are accidents
waiting/Waiting to happen.”
#2) It Ends Tonight by All-American Rejects – Perfect for the Black
Moment where Aiden has finally given up—breaks my heart, I tell you!
subtleties/They strangle me/I can't explain myself at all. And all the
wants/And all the needs/All I don't want to need at all.”
#1) Show Me What I’m Looking For by Carolina Liar – Such a fantastic
song—and I think this sums up what Sadie’s feeling but can’t articulate...
“Save me, I'm lost/Oh,
Lord, I've been waiting for you. I'll pay any cost/Save me from being confused.
Show me what I'm looking for/Show me what I'm looking for/Oh, Lord.”
And now…the movies. *angst* Do you
have any idea how hard this was for me? There are movies I watch every year (Beautiful Girls in
January, Home for the Holidays in
November, Love Actually in December…)
So to choose only FIVE of my favorite movie scenes??? Brutal! BUT, I decided to focus on my favorite
romantic movie scenes and finally, was
able to whittle it down.
Lemmon’s Top 5 Favorite ROMANTIC Movie Moments:
#5) Johnny Depp in Chocolat (2000)
A Depp fan from wayyy back, I had to
put one of Johnny’s films on my list! His character, Roux is just about the
sexiest thing on two legs, imho, and I love how he challenges Vianne to find
his favorite chocolate. He also makes her this promise:
“I'll come 'round sometime and get that squeak outta your
door.” *swoon*
#4) Michelle Pfeiffer in The Story of
Us (1999) This little sleeper movie is one I recommend to everyone who
is married or will ever be married. It’s so
honest. Katie and Ben (Bruce Willis) are in the midst of a separation. There
are moments of sheer joy, stark pain, comedy, and tears. If Pfeiffer’s last
monologue in the film doesn’t make you cry, you might be a cyborg without a heart.
Just sayin’ ;) Here’s a very small part of it:
“There's a history
here, and histories don't happen overnight. In Mesopotamia or Ancient Troy
there are cities built on top of other cities, but I don't want another city, I like this city. I know what kind of mood you’re
in when you wake up by which eyebrow is higher, and you know I'm a little quiet
in the morning and compensate accordingly. That's a dance you perfect over
time. And it's hard; it's much harder than I thought it would be, but there's
more good than bad and you don't just give up! And it's not for the sake of the
children but, God, they're great kids aren't they? And we made them! I mean
think about that! It's like there were no people there, and then there were
people!” (I’m tearing up already!)
#3) Antonio Banderas in Original Sin
(2001) The way Luis loves Julia
(Angelina Jolie) just blows my mind. He drinks rat poison for her for Pete’s
sake! Their love is so intense I’m not sure even Luis and Julia can make sense
of it. The best scene—the best line is
when Antonio is shouting in her face, angry because he simply can’t be without
her any longer. Imagine these lines in his lilting accent:
“Don't you see that
I cannot breathe without you? I cannot live
without you! Don't you see that? Don't you see how much I love you?”
#2) Jake Gyllenhaal in Love &
Other Drugs (2010) I love this movie. LOVE, LOVE. It’s like a romance
novel set to motion. And no matter how bad you think it’s getting – it ends
happily, I promise. The best scene? Jake’s speech at the end:
“Let's just say in
some alternate universe, there's a couple just like us, okay? Only she's
healthy and he's perfect…I don't want to be those people. I want us. You. This.” (sob!)
#1) John Cusack in Say Anything I would be remiss if I didn’t list a classic—and
Say Anything is a movie I watched
until my VHS tape wore thin. I have two favorite scenes – the one after they
made love in the car and he’s shaking so
hard because he loves her so much. Gets me every time. BUT, how can I not
mention the worst, most angsty, saddest scene? I must! The phone booth, the
rain, and the line that tears you in half:
“I gave her my heart. She gave me a pen.” *cries*
So there they are! What are your favorite
romantic songs or movie scenes? I’m sure there are PLENTY I didn’t list, but
I’d still love to talk about them! :)
About Hard To Handle:
Howard never dates a guy more than once-but Fate has other plans for
her when it comes to Aiden Downey, the one that got away. Aiden loved
her, left her,
and broke her heart. Yet suddenly she's bumping into him at every turn,
driven to distraction by his wicked grin and rock-hard body. Now she can't resist finishing what they started-as long as she doesn't let herself fall in love . . .
Aiden Downey threw away the best thing he ever had when he let Sadie go, and now he's determined to win back the woman he's always wanted. Sadie agrees to let
him into her life-and her bed-as long as there are no strings attached. But Aiden's not about to make the same mistake again. Can he convince her to take a second chance on a once-in-a-lifetime love?
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Twitter: @lemmony