Jack's Dreams Come To Life by Sara Jackson
My rating: 4.0/5.0
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
Release Date: July 28, 2009
Pages: 26
Binding: Paperback
Children's Book
A cute children's book where a dog named Jack (who is no longer a puppy) gets tired of playing and falls asleep. While asleep he dreams of various things that he plays with becoming bigger. Thankfully he wakes up and finds it was all a dream.
I received this for review and read it to my boys last night. I have an 8-year-old and a 4-year-old and they both enjoyed it. The oldest said "that was a good book Mom" and the youngest said "Can you read it again?" So I would say it won them over.It reads well for an adult (I like kids books that read easy) and the kids seem to enjoy it. The oldest got the point about it being scary but the dog waking up to find out it's a dream. The youngest just enjoyed the story.
A great book for kids younger and a little older and great for parents to read to their kids. Wonderfully illustrated and well-written, we, as a family, really enjoyed this book.
About the author:
Professional author Sara Jackson is a graduate of San Francisco's Academy of Art University, where she earned her Bachelor's degree in screenwriting. After graduating, she became a freelance writer for The American Canyon Eagle. Ms. Jackson is a regular contributor of Gorezone Magazine, and she has written numerous book and movie reviews for Scars Magazine. She has also written opinion articles for the Times Herald, most of which address the issue of animal rights.
Additionally, Ms. Jackson won first prize in the January 2007 Soul Making Literary Contest with her non-fiction story, Necessary Procedures. She has written two screenplays that have been viewed by numerous readers in the Los Angeles area.