Publisher: Forever Yours
Publish Date: Nov. 6, 2013
ebook, 100 pages
ISBN: 9781455554249
Coming Home #2.6
My Review:
First off, let me say I have not read this series, but I was intrigued by this novella. One it's a Christmas story and I'm a sucker for those and two it involved the military. So I participated in the launch day blitz but I read the book as well and I'm glad I did.
The story revolves around Vic Carponti and his wife Nicole, but obviously other characters from previous books and novellas make their appearance. From how I understand from reading the description, these all seem to occur at the same time just with different characters. So this is Carponti's story. He's the jokester, the one who keeps everyone laughing and he's not afraid of authority. He keeps Nicole laughing to get through the tough times of him being away at war. Nicole is a criminal investigator for the army. So she keeps busy while Vic is away but not busy enough to not be lonely. They have occasional Skype sessions, but as war tugs on Vic even those become few and further between. The war is tough on both of them. This story gave me much respect for both sides, the ones who are in combat situations overseas and the loved ones they leave at home.
The book has romance and heat between Vic and Nicole. But it's focus seems to be on how war and distance can take it's toll even a strong relationship. Through the conflict in the book, the happy ending comes through and it was a very moving book.
I will be going back and reading the earlier books because I want to get to know each of the characters and because Ms. Scott has created a situation that hits close to home. I currently have three brother-in-laws in the service. One has served his tour in Afghanistan, another is currently serving one of his many tours overseas (he's in Afghanistan for this one, but he's a life-time marine) and the other serves on a Coast Guard Cutter. So my sister-in-laws have all gone through the life of the one left behind. I now see that there are great struggles. I hope to give greater support to them in the future because of this. Thank you Ms. Scott for creating a real story with a happy ending to enjoy this Christmas season. Vic and Nicole will remain close to my heart for a long time after finishing this wonderful novella.
My rating: 5.0/5.0
About the Book:
There's nothing in the world Army Sergeant Vic Carponti loves more than his wife and his country. Smart-mouthed and easy tempered, he takes everything as a joke . . . except his promise to come home to his wife, Nicole, for Christmas. As he prepares to leave for his latest deployment into Iraq, Vic will do everything he can to shield his beautiful, supportive wife from the realities of war . . . and from his own darkest fears.
As a career army wife, Nicole Carponti knows just what to expect from her husband's tour of duty: loneliness, relentless worry, and a seemingly endless countdown until the moment Vic walks through the door again. But when the unthinkable happens, Nicole and Vic's bond is tested like never before and changes everything they believe to be true about the power of love and the simple beauty of being home for the holidays.
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Author Bio:
USA Today bestselling
author Jessica Scott is a career army officer; mother of two daughters,
three cats and three dogs; wife to a career NCO and wrangler of all
things stuffed and fluffy. She is a terrible cook and even worse
housekeeper, but she's a pretty good shot with her
assigned weapon and someone liked some of the stuff she wrote. Somehow,
her children are pretty well-adjusted and her husband still loves her,
despite burned water and a messy house.
She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View: Regarding War Blog, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.
She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View: Regarding War Blog, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.
She's pursuing a PhD in Sociology in her spare time and most recently, she's been featured as one of Esquire Magazine's Americans of the Year for 2012.
Author Social Media links:
***I received this book from the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***