rating: 4 of 5 stars
From Amazon.com:
Thrasher's Gun Lake is the story of five escaped criminals who leave dead bodies in their wake. One man, Kurt, is plagued with guilt for his crimes and longs to make amends to his grown son. Another, Sean, wants revenge on his father and guides the group to a hideout in the resort town of Gun Lake, Michigan, where the old man lives. There the sins of the group are resolved, but not before the reader meets a hapless alcoholic deputy, a brokenhearted waitress, and an ex-con trying to live honorably. Events pile up into an overheated conclusion, but Thrasher's feel for characterization makes this his best effort yet. John Mort
Okay so I read Isolation a while back and then received Ghostwriter as an arc and I must say I am officially addicted to Travis Thrasher. So I was thrilled when I found Gun Lake at my local library.
This was an really good book - a little confusing with the cast of characters at times, but I really like reading books where a whole bunch of different people's lives that don't know each other end up intersecting and how that affects everyone.
The suspense and pacing of this book is great. The characters believable, from the convicts to the abused girlfriend, to the alcoholic deputy, to the mother and son with problems, I liked learning about all of them. They all had their story to tell and Mr. Thrasher did a wonderful job getting their story out.
It all meshed together well and kept the plot moving along so that I was never bored and I was always wondering what would happen next. Some moments would have me holding my breath and some with a sigh of relief. If you like suspense and enjoy good characters then you will like this book and all of his other books!
Remember Ghostwriter comes out tomorrow and it's wonderful - review will go up then, but you must must must read Ghostwriter!
View all my reviews.