My rating: 5.0/5.0
Publisher: Gallery Books
Publish Date: January 8, 2013
Source: Scribd subscription
My Review:
I'm not sure what took me so long to read the second book in this series when I read Thoughtless in one day before it came out. I'm guessing life and my mood got in the way, because it wasn't getting into this book. Effortless, was well, effortless for me to read. Complete and total brain candy in the best way.
After reading how Kiera and Kellan got together in Thoughtless, I understand how they had trust issues in Effortless. And that was what this book mainly dealt with. Through it all I was cheering for them to make it. And at times it was painful to watch, the misunderstandings, the deceit, but I never wanted to quit reading. I just wanted them to work it out in their way. And that was what was great, watching them work to persevere through the trials they were given. Relationships aren't easy and you have to work at them.
I like Kiera and can relate to her. The lack of self-confidence, the way that all goes out the window when she drinks and the utter devotion of her partner, Kellan. However I am lucky to be in an almost 23-year-relationship. But I think even with time and maturity there are always doubts in our minds. Maybe not to the extreme that Kellan and Kiera deal with, but in truth I think the story is easy to relate to for anyone.
I love Kellan and Kiera. Both are interesting characters in their own right. Kellan, the damaged male up and coming rock star. Kiera from a normal family and raising but she makes that one mistake for true love that haunts her and her relationship. Both carry their scars and their hangups about their relationship. And I like them for this. I also like watching them grow and mature through the book. While my wonderful husband is no rock star, we did deal with long-distance relationship for 5 years while we went to colleges 8 hours apart one year and 3 hours apart for the rest. I understand them and the storyline well (okay we're both from fairly normal families, but still it's easy to relate to).
The storyline moved fast and I couldn't wait to read it each day. The last night of reading I almost finished it, but my eyes kept closing no matter how I tried to stay up reading to 1am (with work the next day).
So this book was an awesome second installment in a series. I am one who often finds the second book doesn't interest me like the first and third do, but S.C. Stephens has done an amazing job with the second book, making it just as interesting as the first book. There is definitely no lag in the series here for me and I can't wait to read Reckless and then read Thoughtful from Kellan's POV.
About Effortless:
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author S.C. Stephens comes the new adult series everyone is talking about, and a love triangle you won't forget.
After being caught in the middle of a love triangle that led to a devastating betrayal, Kiera pledged to learn from the mistakes she'd made. She was determined to never again inflict that kind of pain on anyone, especially the soulful, talented man who held her heart. But life offers new challenges for every relationship, and when Kiera's love is put to the ultimate test, will it survive? Love is easy, trust is hard.
Outdo Yourself
Contemporary Romance
***I read this book through my Scribd subscription. I was not compensated in any way for this review. ***