My Journey from Tired to 10K
by Jeff Stevenson
Publisher: Sabre Enterprises, LLC
Publish Date: 2011
Paperback, 52 pages
Non-Fiction, Healthy & Fitness
ISBN: 978-0615574608
Non-Fiction, Healthy & Fitness
ISBN: 978-0615574608

So You Want to Start Running...Again is a quick easy read that's encouraging and basic to help anyone get started running or get started back running. I found it to be informative, but very superficial. But then again, this is just about getting started. I think this book is great for inspiring someone on the cusp on starting to run again. I read it in less than an hour and can see referring to it from time-to-time. Mr. Stevenson is well-researched and his topics are handled well.
I suggest this for someone who's thinking about running or getting back into running that wants a quick read to get them out the door again. His title says it all and it delivers.
About the Book:
Let me start by saying this... "I am no expert! I am only writing about my experiences. The opinions expressed here are simply that, opinions. I have cited others' work and linked to those sites I found expert information."
In January 2011, I began running again, something I had not done since I was in high school over 25 years ago. I know I am not alone in my quest to get back into shape at age 45. My goal here is shared some running tips that helped me get back into running. This book is written for persons, like me, who have recently become aware of their need for more physical fitness activity in their lives.
Much of the information in this book can be found online at an number of resources. However, I have put a lot of thought and time into including my personal experiences in the hopes that others are able to have a similar successful experiences as a benefit of your individual efforts. I hope to encourage and perhaps inspire others to start or restart running.
About the Author:
FTC Information: I received this book through Media Guests for an honest review. I do make money from purchases made at The Book Depository, Alibris and B&, but all money is used to fund giveaways and shipping for giveaways from the blog.