Publisher: Walker and Company
Publish Date: January 17, 2012
Hardcover, 272 pages
Fiction, Young Adult
ISBN: 978-0802723093
Fiction, Young Adult
ISBN: 978-0802723093
My Review:
First off I love stories where best friends finally figure out they love each other. Fracture is one of these stories in a convoluted way. But I like it that way. This is one crazy story, but the craziness of it is what kept me hooked and kept me turning pages. I started reading it during the afternoon, stopped long enough to start some spaghetti for supper, then started reading again. Then I stopped long enough to field phone calls and texts from the husband and oldest son telling me the oldest son shot his first deer, then I dove back in the book (yes the deer moment was a proud moment). But Fracture was a book that just grabbed me and sucked me in. So I was glad that hubby and son were late getting home that night for more reasons than one!
What can I say about Fracture without giving anything away. It's creepy, it keeps you guessing, there is romance, there is teen angst and confusion. There are times you want to slap both Delaney and Decker, but you still love them. They are not characters you hate. They are just struggling and I felt their struggle. I think Ms. Miranda does an admirable job developing the characters and making them likable and helping them to grow during the book. I think she characterizes teenagers well, with the need to stay in a stagnant way because it is what is comfortable and there is fear to break out of what is comfortable. I remember how that was.
The plot was stunning and mind blowing. The fact that Delaney should be dead and that she seems to have this new gift or not really a gift, it depends how she looks at it. The twists and turns had me on the edge of my seat and add in the teen angst and the potential romance and this book just had everything that made a great book to me. I was hooked from page one until the very end and I honestly didn't want it to end. But it did and now a week later I am still thinking about Delaney, Decker and even Troy. That as I have mentioned before is a mark of a good book to me, when the characters stick with me after the book is done. And these characters have.
If you are looking for a slightly different paranormal with a little romance then try out Fracture. It held me spellbound and I will eagerly be awaiting more of Megan Miranda's books in the future.
My Rating: 5.0/5.0
About the Book:
By the time Delaney Maxwell was pulled from a Maine lake’s icy waters by her best friend, Decker Phillips, her heart had stopped beating. Her brain had stopped working. She was dead.
But somehow Delaney survived—despite the brain scans that show irreparable damage. Everyone wants Delaney to be fine, but she knows she’s far from normal. Pulled by strange sensations she can’t control or explain, Delaney now finds herself drawn to the dying, and when she meets Troy Varga, a boy who recently emerged from a coma with the same abilities, she is relieved to share this strange new existence. Unsure if her altered brain is predicting death or causing it, Delaney must figure out if their gift is a miracle, a freak of nature—or something else much more frightening…
About the Author:
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