Friday, January 24, 2014

Question Friday: What book are you looking forward to this year? (+ GC giveaway)

As a way to build some discussion/comments, I thought I would start a Question Friday. No that doesn't have a ring to it, but until my mind is in less of a flare-up fog and I can give it more thought it will be a boring name (if you have a suggestion, it's an extra entry option in the giveaway below).

So I'm trying to figure out the big new releases this year and I need your help.  What do I need to put on my wishlist.  And to answer simply tell me:

What book are you looking the most forward to this year?

If you comment, enter the Rafflecopter form below for an giveaway for a $5 Amazon (or B&N if you prefer that) GC. It's not much but it can either buy some great bargain books or go towards the purchase of a new release!  Open international, ends 1/29.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carl Scott said...

I'm looking forward to Chang-rae Lee's On Such a Full Sea. Thanks

Jennifer said...

I am looking forward to Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead.

Elaine G said...

The Undead Pool by Kim Harrison

Barbara E. said...

It's hard to choose just one, but a few of the books I'm looking forward to are: Alien Collective by Gini Koch, Poison Promise by Jennifer Estep, and Silver Mirrors by A. A. Aguirre.

miki said...

pirate 's alley by suzanne johnson but it's not the only one^^;;

Texas Book Lover said...

I'm looking forward to The King and Up From The Gave, oh and Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover. I could go on and on...

veRONIca said...

I really want to read Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young

Mary (Bookfan) said...

The new Jodi Thomas book in the Harmony series: Betting the Rainbow.

Sue G. said...

I'm looking forward to Crashed by K. Bromberg.

Tara said...

Twisted Sisters by Jen Lancaster

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