Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Pub Date: November 6, 2012
Paperback, 384 pages
ISBN: 9781402271519
Romance, Erotica
Sinners on Tour
My Review:
This is one of those books you are dying to finish and don't want to finish at the same time. You want to know what happens, but you don't want it to be over. It was my first Sinners on Tour book, I had great plans to read the first two books in the series before reading this one, but as usual, I didn't get to it before the deadline loomed for the review of Double Time. So I dove into this book which I later found out is supposed to be the last book in the series, but is being released third for some reason that I don't know and don't really care because I was able to read about Trey now.
Another confession, I had not read m/m/f before, was not even sure I would like it, but had heard such wonderful things about the series that I knew I had to try it. I knew I wouldn't judge the overall book on whether the sex scenes were for me or not. Well they were for me. I think Ms. Cunning does a wonderful job with them. But I'll get to that in a moment, I just needed to get my confessions out of the way.
The characters, anyone who reads my blog, knows I'm big on characters, and since this is a romance, it needs to have great characters. I did not know Trey or any of the band members of The Sinners or Exodus End before Double Time, but that's okay. I think Ms. Cunning does a great job getting you up-to-speed on the characters. And even the happily-ever-afters of the two books between Rock Hard and Double Time are a given and nothing essential was given away to spoil them in my opinion. So back to Trey, Reagan and Ethan. Oh my gosh, they are amazing. Reagan was so cool, love the tomboy, rock goddess image, love that she still squeals at seeing the members of Exodus End and The Sinners and doesn't take her position for granted. Love that she also seems to know what she's getting into and knows she'll probably get hurt, but still allows herself to fall for Trey. Her feelings are amazing and I love how they are shown in the book. Trey is tortured by his love for Brian and wants to get over it with Reagan, and the crazy thing is he finds he really has feelings for her. I loved watching that develop. He is such a teddy bear while still being incredibly sexy. And the banter between the two of them, just amazing, he truly has met his match in Reagan. Then add Ethan in and wow, do the three of them soar off the charts! Not as much is known about Ethan, the constraints of the book limited that I believe, but I felt like I knew him enough I was comfortable with his place in the relationship and how he grew into it. I liked Trey and Reagan the best, but probably because I was able to get to know them the best.
The plot was mainly moved along by the relationship and Trey's secret for the first half of the book and then their experimentation for the next quarter of the book. Then the suspense plot that was in the background through about half of the book ramped up for the last quarter and made things even more interesting. And it finishes out with more relationship happenings. I felt the plot moved very well, never dragged and kept me turning pages. I easily read the first 250 pages in one sitting and would have read more had my family not demanded supper. Of course I could not wait to get back to it.
One of my favorite things as I finished up Double Time was that the characters and plot will stay with me for some time. Yes the sex was hot and I enjoyed it, but there was deeper relationship meaning in the book as most of us women expect. It's erotica done the way it should be, a healthy dose of steamy sex with a great story and a happy ending. Just know it has m/m and m/m/f along with m/f sex in it, so if you know it's not your thing, then don't read it. If you haven't tried reading it and aren't sure, I can heartily recommend trying this one. :)
My rating: 5.0/5.0
About the Book:
Olivia Cunning delivers the perfect blend of steamy sex, heartwarming romance, and a wicked sense of humor in this menage story featuring the hottest guy in the Sinners band.
Trey Mills, the notoriously sexy Sinners rhythm guitarist, gives up his bisexual lifestyle and is swept into a hot, heady romance with Reagan Elliot, a female rock star sensation. But when Trey encounters Reagan's sexy bisexual roommate, Ethan Conner, he can no longer deny who he is or what he wants. Reagan heartily agrees to a solution that opens up a hot new world of sexual experience--and love--with the two men she wants the most.
About the Author (from Goodreads.com):
***I received this book from the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. ***
Such a sexy, sexy book. I liked it too :)
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