Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am still here

I apologize for being MIA the last two weeks.  As most of my readers know I have had a myriad of health problems and have had two brain surgeries in the past in an effort to revlieve my symptoms.  But it has appeared over the last year the the cysts in my spinal cord were not all of  my problems.  I had a bout of bad headaches over the summer and after finding a medicine to control them (but not explanation as to why I have them, we are back to my first diagnosis I recieved in 2008, fibromyalgia.  However, it has gotten worse in the past 6 months and I have been going to the doctor monthly (and somtimes even more often) trying to work out what is going on.  Around Christmas things were slightly more under control and then the stress of the holidays brought me down again.

At the beginning of this year I decided that my word for this year is "Hope" and I would hope for a better year.  And then one of my friends who has fibro mentioned she was trying a gluten-free diet and was feeling better.  After some reading, some discussion with my husband and some messaging with a friend who has been gluten-free for awhile (and actually encouraged me to go gluten-free when I had the headaches) I decided to give it a try.  So that is where I have been.  I have been reading up on the gluten-free diet.  I have been acclimating myself and my family to the gluten-free diet.  They are not eating gluten-free, but it does change how things are done in the kitchen.  I truly feel that I am gluten-intolerant, but even if I am not, this is a very healthy diet if done right so I don't feel I can go wrong.  So it has taken a lot of my reading time.  I actually feel it takes all my time, but slowly I am getting use to it and getting back to reading.  So I will be back.  I will start to have some reviews later this week and be back to full schedule next week.

I have winners to draw and giveaways to mail.  Don't worry - it will all be done.  I just had to take a break for me.  I did do some serious thinking about giving up the blog, but I can't, it's something I truly enjoy.  So I will be back . . .


L.H. Thomson said...

Crystal, don't apologize for taking care of your health! It's all good, people won't stop reading your reviews.

miki said...

Just take care of yourself, we all can understand and wait

all the best

Elise said...

Hi, Crystal! Sorry to hear about your health issues. I've been 90% gluten free for over a year now (I can't give up soy sauce... just can't bring myself to do it), and trust me, it becomes second nature. My big advice would be to carry gluten-free snacks so you're never starving and stuck for something you feel good about eating.

Best of luck!!!

Joy Weese Moll said...

Hope it works for you.

I've struggled a lot with the amount of time that it takes to eat healthily. Michael Pollan says that most of us will have to spend more time or more money or both on food. The anomaly is not that we're spending more time to get it right now, it's that we were spending so little time and doing it so badly for the last couple of decades. Or something like that.

That makes me feel better when I realize that the time I spend in the kitchen is closer to how much time my grandmother spent than my mother.

author Christa Polkinhorn said...

Hi Crystal,
You may be on to something. I heard about a lot of people who have problems with gluten. Stick with it for a while and I hope you're feeling better! Take care!

misskallie2000 said...

Crystal, Take care of yourself and we will be here when you feel up to posting.

Eugenia O'Neal said...

Take care of yourself and good luck with the diet! It will be hard work but it will be worth it, I'm sure.

LoriStrongin said...

I hope the surgeries and treatments and diet changes work for you, hun! I'm sure it'll be a big adjustment for everyone, but so long as you start feeling better, then it'll be worth it.

Wishing you strength, healing, and health!


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