Thursday, January 12, 2012

Epic Kindle Giveaway Day #2: 4 Kindle Fires, $200 in Gift Cards, 45 free books #epickindlegiveaway

Want to win a Kindle Fire? Authors Aiden James, Scott Nicholson, J. R. Rain, and H.T. Night are teaming up Jan. 11-13 to give away $1,000 in prizes, including four Kindle Fires, $200 in Amazon gift cards, and 45 free Kindle books.

There are four ways to enter during Jan. 11-13:

  • Share this blog link on facebook or twitter using the share buttons at the bottom of this post, if you do this, make sure you comment with links to your tweets or facebook posts and your email address on this post.  
  • Share our free books and event from
  • Spread the news about our contest on your favorite Internet hangouts and the Kindle Fairy is searching and putting names in her Magic Hat


Scott Nicholson
The Red Church (supernatural thriller) Amazon US Amazon UK;
As I Die Lying (psychological thriller) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Creative Spirit (haunted house thriller) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Disintegration (suspense thriller) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Zombie Bits (zombie stories) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Duncan the Punkin (children’s book) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Speed Dating with the Dead Amazon US Amazon UK;
The Skull Ring (suspense thriller) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Scott Nicholson Library, Vol. 4 Amazon US; Amazon UK;
GHOST COLLEGE - A supernatural mystery Amazon US Amazon UK;
CURSED urban fantasy Amazon US Amazon UK;
BAD BLOOD - A Vampire Thriller Amazon US Amazon UK
Transparent Lovers (paranormal mystery) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Head Cases (psych thriller stories) Amazon US Amazon UK
Solom Amazon UK

Aiden James
Aiden James Vampires (Vampire adventure) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Cursed Immortals (Supernatural Thriller/Vampires) Amazon US Amazon UK;
The Vampires’ Birthright  (Vampire adventure) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Cades Cove (Horror/Mystery) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Vampire Twist (Vampire adventure/Mystery) Amazon US Amazon UK;
The Raven Mocker (Horror/Mystery) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Deadly Night (Murder mystery/Supernatural) Amazon US Amazon UK;
The Forgotten Eden (Supernatural Thriller) Amazon US Amazon UK;
Twice Bitten (Vampire adventure) Amazon US Amazon UK

J.R. Rain
ARTHUR - A modern-day spiritual adventure Amazon US Amazon UK;
BAD BLOOD - A Vampire Thriller Amazon US Amazon UK;
BLACK RAIN: 15 Short Stories Amazon US Amazon UK;
CURSED - Supernatural horror thriller Amazon US Amazon UK;
DARK QUESTS: Two Adventure Screenplays Amazon US Amazon UK;
ELVIS HAS NOT LEFT THE BUILDING - A murder mystery Amazon US  Amazon UK;
GHOST COLLEGE - A supernatural mystery Amazon US Amazon UK;
JUDAS SILVER - An adventure screenplay Amazon US Amazon UK;
LOST EDEN - An adventure screenplay Amazon US Amazon UK;
THE LOST ARK - An adventure novel Amazon US;
THE BODY DEPARTED - A ghost story Amazon US Amazon UK;
THE VAMPIRE CLUB - supernatural fantasy comedy Amazon US Amazon UK;
THE VAMPIRE WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO -mystery novella Amazon US Amazon UK

H.T. Night
A Boy's Life (Young Adult) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Boy Meets Girl (Young Adult) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Everlasting Love (Poetry) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Getting Yours (Romantic Comedy) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Paranormal Love Stories (Vampire/Werewolf Love Story) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
The Werewolf Whisperer (Vampire Romance) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Vampire Love Story (Vampire Romance) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Winning Sarah’s Heart: Back to School (YA Romance) Amazon US Amazon UK;  
Winning Sarah’s Heart: Boys Being boys (YA Romance) Amazon US Amazon UK

If one of the four authors hits #1 on the Kindle Free list, they will give away another Kindle Fire. If at any time during the event, the four authors hold all the Top 10 slots on the Kindle Free list, they will give away a sixth kindle. Winners will be selected after the contest by the Watauga County (NC) Public Library using


CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...!/CYPyeti/status/157400087205658624

Thanks for this really epic giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I can’t post the blogs via FB anymore, but I love the blog! Thanks for introducing me to some great new authors, offering up some amazing reads, and for all the great book blog info! Definitely a win-win contest for all!

~ Bekah M

PS- Be sure to ‘like’ the free books on Amazon, there are more freebies if the authors break into the Top 10 on Amazon!

Caitlin Inc said...

Thanks for being a part of this contest.

Tweeted here:!/caitinc/status/157523726118830081

Carol M said...


Thank you!
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Unknown said...!/thewriterben/status/157551626083766272

Jill Wilkins said...

Shared on my facebook page :)

Jill Wilkins said...

Here is the link to my post!/permalink.php?story_fbid=303613549675706&id=778753181

Jill Wilkins said...

Here is the link to my post!/permalink.php?story_fbid=303613549675706&id=778753181

Barbara said...

shared via FB:!/profile.php?id=100002306846742

barbbattaglia at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


In Julie's Opinion said...


jwitt33 at live dot com

donnas said...

tweet -!/DonnaS1/status/157667890189971457

bacchus76 at myself dot com

curtangel said...

Shared on facebook:!/curtangel/posts/264924136906439

curtangel at gmail dot com

curtangel said...

Shared on twitter:!/curtangel/status/157677898956935169

Amanda Powell Vinson said...

I tweeted the Epic Kindle giveaway at!/mammydolphin/status/157682563400478720

Amanda Powell Vinson said...

I shared the Epic kindle Giveaway on Facebook at

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