Publisher: Mindstir Media
Publish Date: December 3, 2010
Paperback, 340 pages
Fiction, Christian
Covenant of Trust Series #1
ISBN: 9780981964829
Fiction, Christian
Covenant of Trust Series #1
ISBN: 9780981964829
***My review will come later this weekend - but from what I am hearing this is an amazing book!***
About Paula Wiseman

After working several years as research chemist, Paula Wiseman was blessed with the opportunity to stay home with her children and follow the writer’s path. She has been published in several Cup of Comfort devotional books and in Life Savors for Women. Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series, her debut novel, spent time on the Christian Fiction bestsellers list, and was also the #1 Hot New Release in Christian Fiction. Indemnity is her second novel. Paula blogs on matters of life and faith at
About Contingency

Read the Excerpt!
She sat at the breakfast
table with her back to him. “Bobbi, where are the boys?” He didn’t want
his sons to hear any of this.“Don’t you even say my name.” She spoke
without turning around, her voice low with the same intense anger. “I
hate you. I hate what you’ve done, and I hate you.”
Chuck didn’t dare join her at the table. Instead, he moved over, and
leaned against the sink so he could face her. She folded her hands in
front of her and looked past him. “Are the boys here?” he asked again.
“They’re at Rita’s. And no, she doesn’t know.”
“Look, I—”
“Just give me the whole speech, Chuck. I’m sure you practiced it all the way home.”
She locked her eyes on his. That seething emotion wasn’t anger at all. It was humiliation and betrayal. He wanted her to be angry. He could face anger. He could fight that. But he couldn’t fight hurt. He never wanted to hurt her. For the first time in his life, his swaggering self-confidence evaporated, and he bolted.
“I can’t do this right now,” he muttered, stepping around the table. “I’m going to go. We’ll talk about this later.”
“This?” She slammed her hand on the table, and he froze. “Can’t you even say it?” She pushed back from the table and jerked herself to her feet. “Here, let me do it for you. You slept with another woman, Chuck! You had an affair! You committed adultery! You cheated on me.” She closed the gap between them until she stood mere inches away.
“For God’s sake, Bobbi—”
“God? Don’t drag Him into this! He didn’t have anything to do with it.” Bobbi pointed her finger right at Chuck’s heart. “It was all you!”
“I know!” His instincts told him to unload on her, to match her yelling and slamming, but he couldn’t. “I’m going.”
“Can’t you face me? You didn’t have any trouble facing me while you were having an affair behind my back! Why should now be any different?”
“Because you’re upset. I can’t talk to you when you’re upset.” He couldn’t think of anything better than that lame excuse. His points, his concessions, his action plan vanished.
“Upset? I just found out my husband is having an affair! How did you expect me to act when you got home?”
“Maybe coming home was a mistake!” he shouted as he walked back to the front hallway to get his bag and briefcase.
“They’re at Rita’s. And no, she doesn’t know.”
“Look, I—”
“Just give me the whole speech, Chuck. I’m sure you practiced it all the way home.”
She locked her eyes on his. That seething emotion wasn’t anger at all. It was humiliation and betrayal. He wanted her to be angry. He could face anger. He could fight that. But he couldn’t fight hurt. He never wanted to hurt her. For the first time in his life, his swaggering self-confidence evaporated, and he bolted.
“I can’t do this right now,” he muttered, stepping around the table. “I’m going to go. We’ll talk about this later.”
“This?” She slammed her hand on the table, and he froze. “Can’t you even say it?” She pushed back from the table and jerked herself to her feet. “Here, let me do it for you. You slept with another woman, Chuck! You had an affair! You committed adultery! You cheated on me.” She closed the gap between them until she stood mere inches away.
“For God’s sake, Bobbi—”
“God? Don’t drag Him into this! He didn’t have anything to do with it.” Bobbi pointed her finger right at Chuck’s heart. “It was all you!”
“I know!” His instincts told him to unload on her, to match her yelling and slamming, but he couldn’t. “I’m going.”
“Can’t you face me? You didn’t have any trouble facing me while you were having an affair behind my back! Why should now be any different?”
“Because you’re upset. I can’t talk to you when you’re upset.” He couldn’t think of anything better than that lame excuse. His points, his concessions, his action plan vanished.
“Upset? I just found out my husband is having an affair! How did you expect me to act when you got home?”
“Maybe coming home was a mistake!” he shouted as he walked back to the front hallway to get his bag and briefcase.
Contingency Virtual Book Tour Schedule
Monday, May 2
Book reviewed at A Room Without Books is Empty
“This is the first in a series and I am looking forward to reading the next book. I would encourage you to pick up this book if you are looking for a well written, no holds barred book. If you aren’t sure, I would encourage you to read the excerpt at the link above and make up your mind then. The first chapter will have you wanting more.”
Tuesday, May 3
Interviewed at Beyond the Books
“When you get rejected, take a break from your project and write something new. Write for the pure joy of creation. Be brilliant again.”
Wednesday, May 4
Interviewed and book giveaway at A Cozy Reader’s Corner Reviews
“I love it when scenes fall into place in ways I didn’t anticipate.”
Thursday, May 5
Interviewed at Virginia Beach Publishing Examiner
“Dedicate a little time every day to promoting your book. That keeps you engaged and active without overwhelming you.”
Friday, May 6
Book reviewed at Rainy Day Reviews
“I would continue gushing about the book but I don’t want to give anything else away. I recommend this read to all:)”
Monday, May 9
Book reviewed at Life in Review
“I VERY highly recommend this book! It is beautifully written and the story is powerful and so realistic! I was hooked from the very start and I felt totally emotionally involved in their story! I felt their heartache and pain and emotions. I truly cared about the characters and was rooting so hard for them! I loved this book and Paula Wiseman’s writing and I am so happy this is the start of a new series and I cannot wait for the next book!”
Tuesday, May 10
Interviewed at Blogcritics
“My faith is such a huge part of who I am. I wanted to write stories about people dealing with faith issues in the midst of some of life’s most challenging circumstances.”
Wednesday, May 11
Guesting at Literarily Speaking’s May 2011 Book Panel
Thursday, May 12
Book reviewed at Lynn’s Corner
Friday, May 13
Book reviewed at Reviews From the Heart
Monday, May 16
Book reviewed at The Phantom Paragrapher
Tuesday, May 17
Book reviewed at Ashley’s Bookshelf
Wednesday, May 18
Guest blogging at The Book Faery Reviews
Thursday, May 19
Book reviewed at The Book Faery Reviews
Friday, May 20
Book reviewed at My Reading Room
Monday, May 23
Book reviewed at One Day at a Time
Tuesday, May 24
Book reviewed at By the Book
Wednesday, May 25
Book reviewed at Bookworm Lisa
Thursday, May 26
Interviewed at Literarily Speaking
Friday, May 27
Chat & Book Giveaway at Pump Up Your Book’s Authors on Tour May 2011 Facebook Party
FTC Information: I received this book from the publisher through Pump Up Your Book Promotion for an honest review. I have Amazon links on my review pages but I do not make any money from these because of NC laws. I put them solely for people to check out the books on a retail site.
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