Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Finds (Oct. 9)

Friday Finds is hosted over on Should Be Reading. It's all about what great books you have heard about/discovered in the past week. Here is my entry, and head over to the Should Be Reading Blog to read others and find books to add to your TBR pile!

So here are a few of my finds:

After seeing the book review for The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield at I'm Booking It, I remembered that I really wanted to read this one so it's on my list.

I have Fairest by Gail Carson Levine that I bought at my son's Spring Scholastic Book Fair (for myself) but haven't read it yet. Then I learned on A Bookshelf Monstrosity that Ella Enchanted should be read first (not a must, but it's helpful) so I quickly reserved this at my library and should pick it up today.

And finally from a Waiting on Wednesday post (I'm sorry I can't remember whose it was), When She Flew by Jennie Shortridge - this looks so good I can't wait until it's out.

So what did you find this week?


Tash said...

I've been wanting to read the Thirteenth Tale for the longest time.

MizB said...

"The Thirteenth Tale" was a good book! :)

And, if you're interested in my find, "So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore", check out the author's website at Life Stream Ministries. I just found it last night, and there are a ton of really interesting/helpful articles! You might like it, or find it useful. ;)


serendipity_viv said...

I really need to read The Thirteenth Tale soon. I have had it for ages.

Ella Enchanted is on my list too.

gautami tripathy said...

The Thirteemth Tale is on my wish list!

Here is my Friday Find: Ghostwritten by David Mitchell

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Can't wait to hear how the new J. Shortridege novel is.I really liked Eating Heaven.

avisannschild said...

I really enjoyed The Thirteenth Tale and I just saw When She Flew somewhere too!

Rissa (Pretentious Reader) said...

I love children's book and had Ella Enchanted for a while now but haven't read it yet. Here are my friday finds

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