Monday, September 12, 2011

Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2011: Community

It's that time of year again - Book Blogger's Appreciation Week - and I must admit it has snuck up on me.  I started doing the interviews last year but I forgot to sign up this year.  I was supposed to judge a category, but forgot.  This medicine I am on along with the start of school and my work schedule just seems to be a little bit too much for me.  Oh well, on to the first day of BBAW. 

Today's topic is community and I'm supposed to highlight a couple of blogs that make book blogging a unique experience for me.  Hmmm. . . I was thinking about this on my drive in this morning.  There are so many different ways I could take this.  Last year I did the blogs that helped get me started so this year I thought I would do two different blogs.  First is one that I go to and I can guarantee her book suggestions will always help me find a book to read.  Very rarely will we disagree on a book.  That blogger is:

2 Kids and Tired Books

Boy I can relate to the blog title as well as her book choices.  Really though I read her blog pretty regularly and when she highly recommends a book I usually look for it at my library and if I can find it and read it I almost always agree with her.  Or if we have the same review book, we usually have the same opinion. Now this doesn't always hold true, but it's true most of the time.  We don't stay in touch or anything like that, but we do comment from time-to-time on each other's blogs.  But I know if I'm in a reading slump, I can go to her blog for a reading suggestion.

The second book blogger is one I can always go to for a laugh:

Babbling About Books

Between her WTFckery or Not? posts and the adventures of Mo Fo to her hilarious reviews, I love Katiebabs!  And sometimes she gets real too.  That's another reason to love her blog.  She's great at promoting authors because she is an author and she loves romance books, so what's not to like about her blog.  Her sense of humor is right up my alley - I love the sarcasm and the bite.  When I need a laugh I go to her blog.  When I need a romance recommendation, I go to her blog.  So go to her blog and try it out.  Warning, it's not for the faint of heart or the young.

So there you go - two very different bloggers who mean something to me.  Who means something to you?  You can find the Linky here to see what others said and put your own in as well.  If you have a great blog you would love to share with me, please do so in the comments.  If you are a fairly new blog and you want to share with me do so in the comments, I love to find new blogs and if you set your email up in blogger so you are not a no-reply email I will email you back (I love to comment back by email).  Please feel free to comment, I read all comments and respond if your email is either in the comment or visible through blogger.


Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Great blog choices! Happy BBAW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice choices! I'll have to check them out.

Chrisbookarama said...

Oh yes, Katiebabs is quite funny!

Cecelia said...

Thanks for sharing these blogs that mean something to you! I do have a couple that I visit when I'm in need of a laugh - special kudos to those bloggers!

Erin said...

I don't know either of your choices. I'll have to visit! I hope you're having a great BBAW so far!

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