You can check out Artist Arthur's website here.
1. What was your inspiration for the Mystyx series?
I love Greek Mythology and the Weather Channel. The idea to put both of them together came fairly easily and has been really exciting to write about.
2. What is your writing schedule like?
Hectic! I write early in the morning, like 2am – 5am. At 6am I get everyone up for school and work and we’re out of the house by 715. I’m home again around 6pm and if I’m on a tight deadline will write again until I get sleepy which is usually around 8 or 9.
3. How would you summarize Mayhem in 140 characters or less?
Jake’s story is a frighteningly realistic roller coaster ride of emotions that will leave you breathless.
4. What is your favorite snack food?
OMG I am such a junk food junkie. LOL But you said snack food, okay, Junior Mints and Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.
5. What is your favorite season?
Fall because it’s not too hot and it’s not too cold.
6. Do you have a book in the works right now?
Yes, I just finished a proposal for a new YA urban fantasy and I’m writing Mesmerize which will release in Feb 2012.
7. Anything else you would like to share about the Mystyx series?
As I write the next to the last book in this series I’m beginning to miss these characters already. I have so enjoyed writing all their stories that I will be sad to see them go, but I’m very excited about sharing them with the readers.
Want a chance to win a wonderful gift basket which will contain a signed copy of Mayhem, Mystyx swag, and other summertime goodies. This is open to US only, and ends July 20th. Simply fill out the form below and if you want an extra entry simply comment below and let me know if you have read the series or not and if you have read the series which Mystyx character is your favorite.