Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publish Date: October 16, 2012
Hardcover, 320 pages
Fiction, Young Adult, Paranormal
ISBN: 9780312594428
House of Night #9
Fiction, Young Adult, Paranormal
ISBN: 9780312594428
House of Night #9

My Review:
I know a lot of controversy surrounds this series of books. Some don't like that a certain word is used in it. I'm not fond of it and it's a word I instruct my children not to use. Some do not like the language in it. Some do not like the sex in it. Some think this series has gotten a little tired. Well I'm still reading it and after reading Hidden, Book#10, I will also be reading Book #11 when it comes out. I also read the side stories so as soon as my library has Neferet's Curse I will be reading it as well. I like this series. I am firmly invested in the characters and the storyline. Is some of it repetitive? Maybe, but I usually have enough time between books that I don't really care. I read for entertainment and the House of Night books are different to me and they entertain me with their host of paranormal creatures and the various difficulties that Zoey and her "nerd herd" must overcome book after book.
In Hidden, it has finally been revealed that Neferet has gone over to the side of evil and Zoey and her crew really have to step up. Especially because now Neferet has upped the stakes. The book moves fast. The repartee is entertaining as always and I really enjoyed the new character Shaylin who was introduced in the last book and further explored in Hidden. Aphrodite is as always entertaining but she, Zoey and Shaylin grow the most in this book, they are having to learn to use their powers for good to help with the problem that faces them and that is the focus of the book. I enjoyed it. There were a few surprises and some things that worried me. But all-in-all, it seems to all be fine, but of course, there is an ending that is open leading to the next book.
But there is growth in the characters, there is action to move the plot along and there is entertainment value. I actually felt this was one of the stronger entries into the series in awhile. I did not want to put it down and there wasn't a lot of lore to bog it down. It was definitely fast-paced, interesting and character-centered. If you enjoy the series, I highly recommend Hidden. While it's not the caliber of the first book, it is returning to that type of book. The authors do a great job on a series that is on it's tenth book. And I hope to continue to enjoy the books for quite awhile.
My Rating: 4.25/5.0
About the Book:
At last, Zoey has what she wanted: the truth is out. Neferet's evil has been exposed, and the High Council is no longer on her side -- but she's far from done wreaking havoc in the vampyre world. First, a mysterious fire ravages the stables. Then, Neferet makes a devastating move that will test them all.
With the seeds of distrust sown and Darkness breeding chaos at the House of Night, everyone must band together -- but that's proving to be more difficult than ever before. The twins are barely speaking and the House of Night's former enemy, Kalona, has now become their warrior, pushing their trust to the limit. To top it off, Zoey is pretty darn sure she might be losing her mind. She saw something when she looked at Aurox through the Seer Stone that she can hardly explain to herself, let alone her friends. Is it possible that Heath has come back in a different form? Is that why Zoey's so intrigued by Aurox, when it's so obvious that he's dangerous? And who would believe her if she told them? Zoey knows that following her instinct about Aurox might be just what they need to defeat evil . . . but if she's wrong, it could cause the destruction of those closest to her.
With the tension at a breaking point and friendships on the line, can the nerd herd come together to stop the spread of Darkness before it's too late?
About the Authors (from
***I received this book from the publisher for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way except receiving the book for free. I do make money from purchases made at The Book Depository, Alibris and B&, but all money is used to fund giveaways and shipping for giveaways from the blog.***