Character Tweets:
OpheliaLuvsGeorge: Does anybody eat their whole anniversary cake top? Would it be bad luck
to eat it before a year?
EffiesList: @OpheliaLuvsGeorge Let’s add a moldy cake top to the list of reasons why wedding
cakes are ridiculous
OpheliasMom: @EffiesList Effie, be nice! You shouldn’t eat the cake anyway.
OpheliasMom: @OpheliaLuvsGeorge You have to wait the year, otherwise it’s bad luck!!!!!!!!
EffiesList: @OpheliasMom ::grabs eyes:: Sorry, just got gouged by all the punctuation marks in
your last tweet, Mom.
EffiesList: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge This is why mothers should be banned from FB and
Twitter. Could she not have kept
EffiesList: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge ….that cake comment to herself?!
OpheliaLuvsGeorge: DM @EffiesList I guess we can hope she gets bored of Twitter? I’ll talk
to her about inappropriate tweets.
EffiesList: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge You’re my hero.
OpheliaLuvsGeorge: DM @EffiesList I know. What are you going to do without me? :-P
EffiesList: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge Cry myself to sleep every night, obviously. And take
your old room, bc it’s bigger.
OpheliaLuvsGeorge: @MDGeorge I hope you like moldy cake! J
MDGeorge: FM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge I would eat two moldy cakes to be your husband! <3
EffiesList: @MDGeorge @OpheliaLuvsGeorge Gag me with a spoonful of moldy cake.
Seriously guys. Gross.
MDGeorge: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge Sorry honey, that was supposed to be a direct mssg.
OpheliasMom: Awww, that’s very sweet @MDGeorge!!!!!
OpheliasMom: @OpheliaLuvsGeorge @MDGeorge This cake would match the dresses! http://
EffiesList: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge It looks like it was attacked by pink Chiclets.
OpheliaLuvsGeorge: @OpheliasMom It’s nice, but I think we’re going in another direction.
MDGeorge: DM @OpheliaLuvsGeorge Doesn’t it remind you of that gum stuff?
OpheliaLuvsGeorge: DM @MDGeorge lol, that’s just what Effie said!
EffiesList: Signing off. @OpheliasMom, try to keep the embarrassment to a minimum, please.
OpheliasMom: @EffiesList It’s not like anybody can SEE what I’m saying.
EffiesList: @OpheliasMom ….it’s Twitter.
OpheliasMom: @EffiesList But I’m only following five people?
EffiesList: @OpheliasMom How many people are following you?
OpheliasMom; @EffiesList I don’t know!!!! How would I know???
EffiesList: DM @OpheliasMom OMG! You have 600 followers… and they go to my school!
EffiesList: DM @OpheliasMom You HAVE to stop tweeting. Right. Now.
OpheliasMom: 600 people?!? I’m so popular!!!!! Hello Twitter peoples!
:::Effie signs off Twitter:::

Author website:
Effie At The Wedding (contemporary YA short story) is available for the
Kindle (, the Nook ( and on
Smashwords (