Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publish Date: April 9, 2013
Hardcover, 452 pages
ISBN: 9781250002839
Chronicles of Nick #4
My Review:
I love the Chronicles of Nick. Getting the back story on one of my favorite characters in the Dark Hunter novels is really great and Inferno is another good installment.
So Nick is back and he has girl trouble and of course paranormal trouble, but thankfully he has friends at his side to cover his back. I loved seeing glimpses of Bubba and Mark but missed having them more in the book. Caleb plays the most major role besides Nick in the book and it was interesting to see more of his back story. Nick continues to fight his true nature and there is some growth in this book, but it wasn't as much as in the past. Seeing the glimpses into the future was also really interesting and very foreboding. I am intrigued to see where Nick and the others go in the next book and from the ending the next one should definitely be entertaining.
The action is good in this one as well. It lost me a few times, but was well worth finishing the read. Books in a series are like that, one is stellar, the next one not-as-much but again, worth reading and I'm not abandoning this series anytime soon. But for some reason this one just didn't grab me as much as the others in the series did. It could just be me, because it has a high Goodreads rating. But then everyone is different.
Inferno is a good installment in the Chronicles of Nick. While it wasn't my favorite, it was still highly entertaining if just for more of Nick and his smart mouth. There is good action, interesting new characters and definitely a new baddie in town, so if you love Nick and love this series, make sure you grab this one. I just wish it wasn't almost a year until the next one. I love me some Nick!
My rating: 4.0/5.0
About the Book:
The heat is on, and a new threat to humanity has risen…
Nick has his driver’s license and he’s not afraid to use it. But turning sixteen isn’t what he thought it would be. While other boys his age are worried about prom dates and applying for college, Nick is neck deep in enemies out to stop him from living another day. No longer sure if he can trust anyone, his only ally seems to be the one person he’s been told will ultimately kill him.
But life spent serving the undead is anything except ordinary. And those out to get him have summoned an ancient force so powerful even the gods fear it. As Nick learns to command and control the elements, the one he must master in order to combat his latest foe is the one most likely to destroy him. As the old proverb goes, fire knows nothing of mercy, and if Nick is to survive this latest round, he will have to sacrifice a part of himself. However, the best sacrifice is seldom the sanest move. Sometimes it’s the one that leaves your enemies confused, and you even more so.
And sometimes, you have to trust your enemy to save your friends. But what do you do when that enemy is you?
About the Author (from Goodreads):
***I received this book from my local library for my reading pleasure. I was not compensated in any way for this review. ***