When Lola Cruz was forming in my head, one thing I knew for
sure was that there was a gray area in the lines she’d cross for her job. How she got to that gray area was the
interesting part. Which led to me to the
love of her life, Jack Callaghan. He’s
the catalyst for quite a bit of Lola’s character formation. It’s because of him that she became a private
Read on:
When I was fourteen years old, I snapped
pictures of Jack Callaghan doing the horizontal salsa in the back seat of a car
with Greta Pritchard. That’s when I knew for sure I’d grow up to be a private
eye.”That’s my favorite line in any of the Lola Cruz mystery books. It so succinctly shows everyone who Lola is, and that she’s quite willing to cross a few lines in the name of…whatever it is she’s after.
Her career choice might have been inspired by newspaper man Jack Callaghan, but her drive and determination are all hers. She works for a small PI firm in Sacramento and is assigned to be the lead investigator on a missing person case.
Lola battles office politics, the reappearance of Jack Callaghan, her family’s cultural and gender expectations, and her own passion for crime-solving, never losing sight of her own values and who she is as a person. One theme that will run through each book in the series is just how far Lola is willing to go for her job. In Living the Vida Lola, one of the questions she faces is will she or won’t she get a belly button piercing or a tattoo?--all in the name of information- gathering. In Bare-Naked Lola, the question is, will she or won’t she strip down to nothing at a nudist resort, all to catch a killer?
Other continuing themes are the cultural and gender expectations she faces. Lola is an American--born and raised in Sacramento. But she’s also Mexican and lives her family’s culture and all that embodies. How she is true to both sides of herself and is her own person makes her a three-dimensional character. I love her! I like to think that she is my alter-ego...if I were a little younger, sexier, Latina, and a detective.
I want to hear from you! Should Lola go nude, or should she stay prude? You’ll have to find out what she chooses by reading Bare-Naked Lola, but what do YOU think?!
About Sacrifice of Passion

Reluctantly, he seeks her help to get to the
bottom of the disturbing animal mutilations, only to have her break through to
his sullen son...and rekindle the love he’d thought was lost forever. But her
refusal to share a terrible secret sends her running straight into the lair of
the chupacabra, plunging her back into her worst nightmare, and forcing them
both to confront the wrongs of the past—in order to stay alive for the future
they desperately want.
Get your copy of Sacrifice of Passion at
Also available from Melissa Bourbon Ramirez:
Bare Naked Lola

Get your copy of Bare Naked Lola at:
Bourbon, who sometimes answers to her Latina-by-marriage name Misa Ramirez,
gave up teaching middle and high school kids in Northern California to write
full-time amidst horses and Longhorns in North Texas. She fantasizes
about spending summers writing in quaint, cozy locales, has a love/hate
relationship with yoga and chocolate, is devoted to her family, and can’t
believe she’s lucky enough to be living the life of her dreams.
She is
the marketing director at Entangled Publishing, is the author of the Lola Cruz
Mystery series with St. Martin’s Minotaur and Entangled Publishing, A Magical
Dressmaking Mystery series with NAL, and is the co-author of The Tricked-out
Toolbox and two romantic suspense titles.
Visit Melissa at her website | Twitter Page | Facebook
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