Cinder by Marissa Meyer, cyborgs, cinderella and the future, what's not to love? I honestly didn't know whether I would like this one, but I was sucked in from the first page and now cannot wait for the next installment.
Delirium by Lauren Oliver, romance, dystopian, just amazing. Read it if you haven't, swoon with me if you have. Must get my hands on Pandemonium!
The Selection by Kiera Cass, reality TV, big dresses, a girl who bucks the system. Loved it!
Romantic Suspense:

When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason, Ms. Eason is quickly becoming my go-to author for Christian romantic suspense and this tightly woven suspense thriller is everything it should be and more. Add to that it's the start of a great new series with some characters from an old series that return for cameos :)
A Perfect Storm by Lori Foster, broken characters, great suspense, interesting romance and revisiting all the characters from the previous three books make this a major winner for me.
General Fiction:

The Good Father by Diane Chamberlain, okay I'm a little biased because this one takes place near me but that set aside I could not put this book down. Interesting issues, good suspense to keep me interested and great characters. Love, love, love it!
Women's Fiction/Romance:

Just Down the Road by Jodi Thomas, Jodi Thomas does it again with her Harmony, Texas series. I probably read this one the fastest of the series and that is saying something. Loved it and can't wait for more. If you haven't started this series, you simply must!
Barefoot in the Sand by Roxanne St. Claire, her return to contemporary romance from romantic suspense is a winner for me, this is the start of a series about four friends and a great start.
Romance (Novella):

On One Condition by Diane Alberts , Ms. Alberts has quickly won me over with her writing and I love this romance. Great characters, a fun and sassy plotline and great romance. What more does a girl need?
There are others, but this touches on the highlights of my year so far. What is one (or more) of your favorites of this year?